Early last month, ITMI’s Johan Leach and his team deployed south from their ministry base in Chavuma, Zambia to Lukulu, Zambia.
Their mission was to conduct a two-day Evangelism training for two groups of Lukulu believers.
Lukulu represents the southern-most outpost of the area Johan calls his “Harvest Field”, or the area the Lord has called him to saturate with the gospel.
With each strategic borehole installed, evangelism training summit delivered and cross-river expedition completed, by the provision and grace of the Lord, Johan and his team are steadily moving the needle toward this God-sized goal.
People from these villages east of the Zambezi are following Jesus and getting baptized.
Johan uses the gift of the borehole - free to them - to help the villagers understand the free gift of the gospel.
The training in Lukulu included two existing churches on the East side of the river.
The east side settlements are still small and remote, but much more accessible to the outside world than their counterparts across the wide, meandering Zambezi.
Trainees were equipped to be effective in sharing the gospel through two seminars, “Creation Evangelism” and “The Heart of Man” with their countrymen across the river.
Because of the challenge posed by the geographical barrier of the Zambezi River, few have been willing and able to bring the gospel to this area. These least-reached villages have precious few visitors.
When they were ready, trainees set out in teams to practice. Meanwhile, the leaders met to develop a strategic plan on how the teams of evangelists would deploy.
The Lukulu evangelism teams will work their way north toward Chavuma, slowly covering the large “Harvest Field” west of the river between Chavuma in the north and Lukulu in the south.
Meanwhile, Johan and teams of trained evangelists from Chavuma continue pushing south with the gospel message.
Later in September, the drillers arrived to drill 6 boreholes in 6 villages that previously drank from soiled water contaminated by oil and minerals from hand-dug holes.
A hand-dug hole like this one is the only accessible water for many villages west of the Zambezi.
They loaded their heavy equipment aboard the barge, which is the only way to get it across the river.
It was quite the process (as you can see in the video above if you're interested) to get all those workers and their drills and supplies to these remote villages.
But it was worth it.
Now, six more villages have access to clean, safe water! They’ve also heard the Good News about an even greater free gift in their own language.
This means the world to the people living there. It not only changes their lives by relieving the women of long treks for water, it shows them what the Gospel tells them.
They are valuable. They are cared for. Their lives matter.
With the latest batch of wells installed, we’ve partnered with Johan to provide clean, safe water for 16 villages!
Johan and his teams of trained evangelists will keep visiting and discipling these villages, helping them plant a church and develop local leadership over time.
Their goal isn’t just to distribute the gospel in this area.
The goal is to be available to be used by the Holy Spirit to firmly plant, patiently nourish and grow the gospel in this area.
That the Gospel seeds borne would one day produce a healthy church, ready and equipped to live as “Good News” people, grounded in Biblical maturity and faith.
Imagine the honor of being a partner on this mission!
Imagine, one day, looking back, knowing that your own contributions were part of the reason people in forgotten Zambian villages are no longer forgotten but hopeful, hydrated and incorporated into this mission!
Some of you don’t have to imagine. You’ve already partnered with Johan in this endeavor.
We couldn’t have done it without you.
About the Author
Summer Kelley is a writer and follower of Jesus living in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and three kids. She’s had the honor and privilege of telling ITMI’s stories since 2006. Summer loves reading, the outdoors and Coca-Cola Classic.