South Africa
What stands out about this video?
The smiles.
They tell you everything you know about how these impoverished, marginalized, vulnerable youth feel when they attend the Dream Girls meetings.
By the world's standards, these girls don't have much to smile about. They live in shacks with dirt floors. Everyday tasks like cooking, laundry and personal hygiene are full of obstacles. Poverty makes their getting to school, turning in homework, and graduating so challenging that it is statistically unlikely.
Their culture encourages them to prove their fertility before marriage and at a young age.
But they are smiling in these photos and videos. Because encountering Jesus through the love and ministry of these women - including ITMI's Sonja van Wyk - has made them smile.
The smiles you see when you watch the video below are smiles you helped put on their faces through your partnership with ITMI and Charl van Wyk.
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