The drillers' truck had gotten stuck in deep mud on the Luvale plains, far from civilization or any heavy machinery that could pull it out.
Mid-September, ITMI's Johan Leach updated us that the drilling team arrived in Chavuma with their heavy truck overflowing with the supplies and tools needed to drill and install 8 new boreholes in strategic locations.
About a week later, he reported that the drillers' truck had gotten stuck in deep mud on the Luvale plains, far from civilization or any heavy machinery that could pull it out.
The Luvale plains are isolated from the rest of Zambia by the Zambezi River to the east and the Angola border to the west. They are isolated from infrastructure, services, and stores. The Luvale people live in small villages that dot the plains, surviving from the land as they can.
The Luvale people in this area live in small villages that dot the plains, surviving from the land as they can.
Without access to clean water, the villagers must spend large portions of their day hauling water from great distances on foot or dig holes that quickly become soiled, causing water-borne disease.
The free gift of clean, safe water that drastically changes life in their village opens doors for Johan and his teams of trained local evangelists to explain the free gift of living water that Jesus wants to offer them.
The Lord provided the funds for Johan’s field vehicle to be repaired and the vehicle is back in service again, just in time for this important project on the plains.
Eventually, two tractors were able to pull the truck out of the mud and able to proceed to its destination.
Johan says, “Lesley and I and our team out here and the Luvale people want to thank In Touch Mission International. You have, to date, put in 22 boreholes [water wells]. We’re going to do another 8, which means there will be 30 boreholes we’ve done together out here bringing much relief to the folk out here on the plains.”
Johan is also rejoicing that 305 leaders in 3 different locations are clamoring for Johan and his team to equip them for leadership, so they can teach the SALT material in remote areas! Thanks to your support, this will begin in the near future!
Steve Evers has advocated for and served the ITMI partners as ITMI Director since 2001. Approximately once a year, Steve visits with ITMI partners in their countries and brings stories back to encourage supporters. Steve enjoys photography and mechanics (both hobbies that have greatly benefited ITMI partners!) Prior to becoming ITMI’s Director, Steve served on […]
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