Ever wonder what other ITMI supporters and readers are most interested in hearing about?
Here are a few of the most-read stories from 2022, as a reminder of what the Lord did through us together during 2022!
After Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February 2022, Steve took a team to visit our partners in Eastern Europe and minister in Ukraine.
Before he left, he shared this video asking for your prayer support. Your prayers carried him safely through his visit to Kyiv and back.
The visit from his team was a great encouragement to our partners in Eastern Europe who had been in the trenches caring for refugees and sending supplies to their believing brothers and sisters in Ukraine, in addition to their regular ministry responsibilities.
This post contained several stories from Steve's time in Poland.
Mid-night supply drops, a front-row seat to witness the trauma Ukrainian refugees were - and still are - facing, news from Ukraine of someone's life saved by a protective vest from ITMI, and how your support blessed a group of Ukrainian orphans.
This post shared a video from Piotr Zaremba, providing an inside look at what things were like for Ukrainian refugees staying in a church facility that Piotr's church is related to and how believers from both churches were serving refugees.
We shared this post, highlighting ITMI supporters' quick and generous response to the crisis in Eastern Europe with the invasion of Ukraine, and the impact it made for the kingdom of Jesus.
Steve's first address to the ITMI team after returning from Eastern Europe sharing what he saw in Poland, Romania, and Ukraine.
As you can see, Ukraine was the topic of all five of the most read stories in 2022. But the top non-Ukraine story was this post - Steve's July 29 "Dear Team" letter, which appeared in the August edition of In Touch International Monthly.
Steve shared about the accident involving Mark Burritt, ITMI's Financial Officer, earlier that month.
In November 2022, we shared this:
"Praise the Lord! Mark is back at work and other regular life activities and functions!"
The other non-Ukraine story in the top 25 most-read stories in 2022 was this celebratory story from our partners at Casa Dorca in Romania.
In the summer of 2021, ITMI supporters rallied around the vulnerable children being cared for at Casa Dorca by helping with the costs of heating the home.
Casa Dorca's usual supplier of wood to burn was hit hard by the pandemic in 2020 and just couldn't provide enough wood. ITMI supporters came together, stepped forward, and financially stood between the children at Casa Dorca and the cold Romanian winter - the winter of 2022.
That winter, one of the boys came forward and asked to be baptized!

In Touch Mission International serves and empowers godly national believers to make disciples.
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