The DR Congo
In 2021, among Covid restrictions and all, ITMI Director Steve Evers, traveled across the world to...
In 2021, among Covid restrictions and all, ITMI Director Steve Evers, traveled across the world to encourage and equip Christian leaders at a conference, in Cape Town!
The SALT (Seven Areas of Life Training) material, taught by Steve, offers a comprehensive approach to personal and community development across seven key areas of life.
Here are comments from conference attendees:
“I was just coming because I thought I had some time on my hands. Little did I know that I was coming for my healing. I am healed! I have attended Christian leader conferences before, but this one was different. I'm literally a new man!”
“I had to fight to come here, and I see why there was such a fight. I am delivered.”
“I learned a lot, especially about myself.”
“I have no words, except to say ‘POWERFUL'."
“Powerful lessons, this surely must be continued with.”
“The conference was an eye-opener for me in many respects, especially in forgiveness. That touched me a lot.”
“One elderly pastor told me that from the coming Sunday his congregation was going to hear from a new pastor. He had phoned his wife and was traveling straight from the conference to go make right with his uncle and two sisters!”
So impactful was the response to the teaching that we want to share it with our Come and See Church family, in the Democratic Republic of Congo this month. And Steve has graciously agreed to come visit and teach.
Seven Areas of Life Training (SALT) is a discipleship series designed to teach God's plan in these seven areas of life: spiritual, psychological, social, physical, financial, marital, and parental - with each area being interconnected, forming an “all of life” framework for Biblical personal and community discipleship.
Through SALT, individuals learn how to incorporate fundamental truths into their daily lives and are equipped to impart these truths to others.
In a country where spirituality holds significant cultural and societal importance, the Seven Areas of Life Training aims to provide Congolese Christians with tools and resources to deepen their relationship with God, fostering resilience and a sense of purpose, in a country at war.
The Come and See Church has ministries encompassing medical and maternity clinics, and a pharmacy.
Training with the SALT material equips participants with knowledge and skills to prioritize their health and that of their families.
The trauma resulting from years of civil war, conflict and instability in the Congo has left many communities vulnerable to mental health challenges.
In the Seven Areas of Life Training, individuals learn coping mechanisms, how to deal with hatred and bitterness, and Biblical strategies for healing past wounds, strengthening their resilience, and mental well-being.
Building strong social networks and fostering community cohesion are essential for collective discipleship. SALT encourages collaboration, empathy, and communication skills, enabling participants to forge meaningful relationships and support networks.
Financial Empowerment
Poverty is still a significant barrier to development in the Congo. Through financial literacy training, entrepreneurship initiatives, and income-generating activities, the SALT material equips individuals with the Biblical tools to break the cycle of poverty and achieve economic self-sufficiency.
Through this training we aim to inspire, strengthen leadership skills, establish fresh Biblical perspectives for ministry, equip attendees with new tools and skills, pray for renewed passion and excitement, establish unity in the Body, spend time in prayer for the nation, provide encouragement and support, secure a sense of hope, and help with their overwhelming ministry needs!
“One who is taught the Word must share all good things with the one who teaches.” Galatians 6:6
Editor’s Note: Please keep Charl and Steve in your prayers this month as they travel to the Congo to build up and equip God’s people!
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Charl van Wyk is a Christian missionary, author, and activist in Africa. His belief in his Christian duty to protect the innocent, vulnerable, and oppressed led him to single-handedly return fire in the midst of a terrorist attack, saving many lives! The story of how God led Charl to forgive and pursue reconciliation with his […]
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