South Africa
“For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.” 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12
Teens in the informal township of Stone Hill, South Africa, face difficult home lives and poverty. Many face broken families and relationships, parents that work long hours or are drunk most of the time. Getting to school, completing homework, and taking care of the basics like food and clean clothes are a big ordeal when you live in a lean-to or shack.
ITMI’s Charl van Wyk and his team of believers seeking to bring Jesus’ goodness, light and truth to the settlement have determined that one way to effectively share the Gospel and disciple young men there could be to teach them carpentry and metal working.
This project goes hand in hand with the already effective sewing outreach for women in the settlement.
Charl and his team have already been blessed with over two-thousand dollars worth of tools to start this project!
Over the course of 2024, Charl and his team are praying, planning and hoping the Lord will provide funding so that they can expand the capacity of their outreaches in Stone Hill. They are praying the Lord will provide for them to convert a shipping container to accommodate the new carpentry and metal working outreach.
Other prayerful plans include a septic tank and infrastructure to build a laundry for the community where the cloth for the sewing ministry can also be washed, western-style lavatories, finishing a computer room, paving at the Early Childhood Development Center, and gates and fencing.
If any of these projects piques your interest, and you’d like more information on their Kingdom building value, please contact our office or stay tuned for future newsletters.
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Our partners in Stone Hill are pleased to report the family has moved into their new home!
Steve Evers has advocated for and served the ITMI partners as ITMI Director since 2001. Approximately once a year, Steve visits with ITMI partners in their countries and brings stories back to encourage supporters. Steve enjoys photography and mechanics (both hobbies that have greatly benefited ITMI partners!) Prior to becoming ITMI’s Director, Steve served on […]
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