Who We Are
In Touch Mission International serves and empowers godly national believers around the world to reach their communities for Christ.

In Touch Mission International serves and empowers godly national believers around the world to reach their communities for Christ.

Why We Partner with National Believers

They already speak the language.
A national already has the vocabulary to explain deep heart concepts like the Gospel effectively. They can share the Good News right now!

They can navigate the culture.
Nationals are effective at offering Jesus as the answer to the heart questions the people around them are asking because they know their culture better than an outsider does.

They know the current needs.
With their feet on the ground and in the trenches, nationals know what is helpful - and what is not. By partnering with nationals, together we can truly be a blessing.

They use resources most efficiently.
One year of support for a family in the field could support 10-40 national believers and avoid American-sized start-up costs altogether. Nationals have the knowledge, experience, and network to make the most of their resources.
Our Partners
A unique way to reach the nations.
Our Process
We aren't looking for wallets. We're looking for partners.
Partners have relationships. They share. They connect.
We encourage those relationships so everyone wins - like these supporters pictured with our Zambian partner, Johan Leach.

Where We Work

Countries where ITMI partners are ministering.

Countries ITMI partners have expanded into from their home countries.

Countries where we are exploring new relationships with potential partners.

What We Do

ITMI partners engage in all types of outreaches with the ultimate goal of making disciples that make disciples.
Thuto, a teenager from the informal settlement of Stone Hill, South Africa, who was saved through the outreaches of ITMI’s Charl van Wyk, telling younger children from the settlement how much Jesus loves them.