Early last month, ITMI’s Johan Leach and his team deployed south from their ministry base in Chavuma, Zambia to Lukulu, Zambia. Their mission was…
An Expedition on the Zambezi: A behind the scenes look
They are terrified of the idea. A group of grown men, scared of getting in a boat. But you wouldn’t know it to look at them. They move intently as they ready the boat. They are focused on the tasks at hand. Concentrated on the calling they’ve accepted because they know it is of crucial importance. They steadfastly…
5 MORE New Wells in Western Zambia!
The elderly shook their heads in understanding. Teachers and evangelists from the east bank of the Zambezi River were visiting their village. The teachers traced back the dark past of ancestral and pagan worship of the villages to where they are finding themselves now….
World “Peace”
Some of Johan’s thoughts on world peace, inspired by a quiet Sunday morning on the banks of the Zambezi River in Zambia.