Thank you for partnering with us!
Please choose how you'd like to make an impact below.
Reach youth in South Africa, Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo with the Gospel, disciple them in Biblical living and empower them to reach others through community development projects.
Intervene in the cycle of poverty by providing youth in impoverished informal settlements and squatters’ camps tutoring and educational services that greatly improve a student’s chances of completing grade 12 and afford the opportunity for a caring, godly believer to build a relationship with them.
Share Jesus and shine hope into the darkness of Animism and witchcraft among the Zulu people through community evangelistic outreaches and equipping Zulu believers for their calling.
Come alongside a godly shepherd leading God’s people in outreach and discipleship in Durbanville, South Africa and nearby impoverished, informal settlements.
Reach the remote and marginalized farming community of Onseepkans through development projects, community outreaches and personal relationships.
Equip South African believers to share Jesus and his hope with impoverished families living in an informal squatters camp called Stone Hill.
Your gift equips someone eager to learn from God’s Word with a small and very portable solar powered Bible and study materials they can listen to in their own language.
Equip our partners for the discipleship of those who want to know more about Christ but cannot afford a Bible with a copy of God’s Word.
Build trust and pave the way for outreach, evangelism and discipleship in needy places a by providing access to clean, safe water in partnership with ITMI’s godly national believers.
Project Joseph aims to seize new opportunities to share the Gospel with those who are hungry. By meeting physical needs, our partners have been able to deliver the Good News to many whom they wouldn’t have access to otherwise, and many have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Enable our partners in South Sudan to meet physical needs in Jesus’ name, providing them a powerful opportunity to share the Gospel with those in need.