Primrose has not only endured the loss of her husband and children but has also taken on the immense responsibility of raising her grandchildren. Every day, she bravely faces the challenge of securing food and water for them, a task that many of us can hardly fathom. …
Pastor Davy Chinyundu stepped around the crutch that the village man had laid in the dirt next to the pink plastic chair he sat in. Davy reached down…
ITMI’s Piotr Zaremba commented, “ITMI’s support removes the obstacles to ministry,” as he tried to describe the impact of your support. …
We asked our partners to share some of the ways Jesus’ kingdom was advanced this year. We hope you are encouraged by their answers and the special messages they have for you!
It was a late May afternoon when word of the tragedy reached ITMI’s Johan and Lesley Leach.
In this conclusion of the 3-part video series Making a Way for the Gospel, Reverend Reynold Fourie of the Reformed Church Belville East in Cape Town, South Africa shares about the training his team provided, with the help of ITMI partner, Johan Leach. …
The crocodile-infested Zambezi River isolates a small slice of Zambia, just east of its western border with Angola. Because this area is so difficult to access, those who live there are cut off from most services and receive few visitors to their small, rural villages.
Due to the frequent flooding of the river, geographically, this area is a floodplain, named after the Luvale people who inhabit it.
Life on the Luvale floodplain is difficult. It's a daily battle to survive. For the daily water that they need to live, villagers dig holes in the ground or the women and girls spend most of their days hauling water.
Uncovered, these are contaminated by animals and pests.
Animism - the worship of one’s ancestors - is prevalent in Luvale culture. If bad things happen, often the blame falls on a family member who is accused of cursing another and may be attacked, lynched or hurt.

Your support means Johan and Lesley are able to live in Chavuma, where they equip local believers to take the Gospel to the other side of the river. Their ministry further equips leaders to plant churches and disciple others on the plains.

Plants Healthy Churches
Plants Healthy Churches
Your support helps Johan and Lesley with their mission of training up leaders who can plant healthy churches and shepherd God's people in the villages across the river.
Johan and his co-workers don't visit a village once, they make frequent regular visits, building up and discipling those who are willing. As they are discipled and learn to live God's way, their lives improve as their lives conform to Christ.
Johan and Lesley took everything they had and moved to the rural settlement of Chavuma in response to God's calling to share the Good News with the Luvale people. They built a garage as temporary living quarters. They cook meat on a barbecue or an open fire, they make oatmeal and maize in cast iron pots in the front yard.
They split wood for cooking, repair their own vehicles, use a generator to produce limited electricity and boil river water to drink.
Chavuma is their mission base where they could reach the forgotten villagers on the other side of the Zambezi River.
While there, they've developed relationships with local churches, built training programs and raised up leaders and evangelists to share the Good News on the flood plain. They continue to equip and teach so that healthy churches can be planted in villages where the Gospel message takes root.
The Luvale floodplains of the northwestern corner of Zambia are home to many of the Luvale tribe. The Luvale people in this region live in small, remote villages that dot this wild area. This corner of Zambia is cut off from civilization and the rest of the country by…
When our partner Johan Leach in remote Chavuma, Zambia, wants to organize discipleship training in Chilombo, Angola, his to-do list is a bit different than it would be anywhere else. …
I went for the Gospel outreach to a remote village on the west bank [of the Zambezi River] called Chambi. Here, a small group of eager women and men were already gathered and ready to listen to the Word of God. I…
Johan Leach shows some incredible images of bridges and roads between his mission base in Chavuma and Chilombo, Angola and explains why he and a team are out in the bush rebuilding and forging roads to Chilombo.
We asked our partners to share some of the ways Jesus’ kingdom was advanced this year. We hope you are encouraged by their answers and the special messages they have for you!
Mid-September, ITMI’s Johan Leach updated us that the drilling team arrived in Chavuma with their heavy truck overflowing with the supplies and tools needed to drill and install 8 new boreholes in strategic locations. About a week later, he reported…