“Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!” Psalm 27:14. Ministering with future leaders of men During March I enjoyed a ministry trip to New York. A highlight was when I met with my young friends, Jake and Josh (11 year old twins), […]
Archives for April 2011
Easter Derby, African Style – April 2011 Update
It all started as a father & son project for Wyatt and I. In the afternoons after school the community boys would arrive at thesoccer field by car. Our intern Melissa would be there to coach and referee the soccer matches most days. I would occasionally drive by and see a group of cars […]
Easter Greetings and News from the Ban Family – Update April 2011
If you would like to bless and encourage a dedicated Romanian brother, please contact the ITMI office and set up an opportunity for Adi Ban to share with your church, small group, Sunday school class or other group. We promise, you will be blessed, encouraged and leave with an expanded global perspective.
Amazing GOOD NEWS for Elisa Banicki and her family – Updates April 2011
ITMI’s Polish Director, Piotr Zaremba writes: Sunday, April 24, 2011 Beloved, This is today that we commemorate our Lord’s victory over the sin and death! Our Lord won! He is risen! Risen indeed! Let me connect His resurrection with our Elisa Banicki, our sweet-heart with Niemann-Pick syndrome. Ready for the news? Polish National Ministry for […]