We truly count it a blessing to be used as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. As you know it takes an entire team for us to be here in South Africa. I’m constantly striving to be that which I’ve been sent to be. Salt & Light to all in our community. It took a team from overseas to come and visit this elderly lady, to pray with her and to sponsor this wheelchair.
This past Sunday (August 28th) we had Bongani Cele a friend of the ministry come to preach at our church. We’ve been calling it “the church on the hill” for quite a while now. Translated into Zulu it’s Entabeni Church which is now the official name. I made sure to bring plenty of extra chairs because the 45 we had last month was not enough. Unfortunately this time was different and it seemed as if we wouldn’t need them. On the morning of the 28th the people were just not coming to church, and Bongani wanted to stack empty chairs in the store room so it didn’t have that depressing empty feel while he preached to a few. I sat praying for God to bring those people He wanted at the service even if it was a few.
What happened over the next 45 minutes during singing was fun to see. I had to go and bring back all the stored chairs and then use the extras that I brought from our house and then two of us gave up our chairs to stand in back! The place was full of children of all ages and a half dozen adults. So Jesus does love the little children! Bongani gave a great message as usual, we then packed up the equipment and went home.
The next day at Melissa’s soccer outreach, which is 3 or 4 times a week, our girls Fifi & Bo had an interesting conversation with 12 year old Thabani who was at church the day before. The BUZZ in our community is that electricity is being installed in the homes and Thabani said his family would use less electricity than the others because his family worships Shembe, therefore they were not allowed to cook on Saturday. Fifi politely challenged Thabani in his faith of Shembe and presented Christ as was done the day prior in church. Thabani heard the Gospel two days in a row and was more than interested to talk and listen about the good news of Jesus. After much discussion Thabani said if this is true than he’s on his way to Hell. The girls said yes, but wait there’s good news! Explaining how a person can have an everlasting hope by having sins forgiven and heaven secured. Each year the Shembe worshipers have a human sacrifice and last year that sacrifice came from our community! The explanation of how Jesus was and is the ultimate sacrifice made sense to Thabani and he asked how to pray to the one and only true God and if he could have a bible. PRAISE GOD!
Please pray for Thabani as he has some tough choices to make. He knows the right choice but is fully aware of the persecution.