Thanks to our Lord we are not bored! There is a lot happening and, most of all, many people hear the gospel! It is so encouraging for us to watch new and young believers, who get involved in ministry with us – to see their growth, when they do huge steps of faith, serve others and let God use them.

Anna Gorski discipleship group – Patrycja is second from the left.
Patrycja, a young lady in Anna Gorski’s discipleship group who was saved few years ago, was very shy and closed not long time ago. She was experiencing troubles with her self image and value of herself, but for some time now she has been giving those areas of her life to God and lets God touch them and heal. Jesus does it! She couldn’t even pray out loud few months ago. At the last Gospel Joy workshops she shared her testimony from the main stage!
And this is what Patrycja wrote after the workshops:
Hey, I want to write to you a few words about what happened after workshops in Krojczyn, just for encouragement, so you always remember, how wonderful work you do, that it makes sense and changes people’s lives, that you are incredible tools in God’s hands! Praise be to Him for your talents 🙂
After coming back from workshops one girl wrote me from Krojczyn. She started with one difficult question: “Does God rewards good deeds and punishes for bad deeds?”…. and this is how our online conversation started. It turned out that the girl had very difficult home situation. Her step father is an alcoholic and he has been abusing her and her mom for 10 years, and on top of it all her mom is sick and doctors have hard time with
diagnosis, they even think it could be something deadly. Generally it`s very sad. At the beginning she wrote me that workshops gave her a little seed of hope, that something can change, that God can intervene and mend her life! That’s why she had all those thoughts and questions. So I had a chance to tell her my testimony, share the gospel with her and encourage her! Later she wrote she wanted to trust God, she wants to give Him everything, and that she has never felt so free 🙂 She started to read the Bible and was excited about what she was reading. Praise the Lord! I believe it’s only the good beginning of her new life! I’m in touch with her all the time, she writes me often and she abides in the Lord! Generally, she and all of Krojczyn are under huge impression of the workshops, they already miss it and can’t wait for next year – assuming you all will be there again.So, dear ones, you do great job, you’ve sown many seeds, and some of them started to grow already!!
Recent and Upcoming Events
Gospel Joy has performed at the Old Town (downtown) in 3rd biggest city of Poland – Wroclaw –one of the most prestigious places in the country.
Gospel Joy will be performing at the graduation at a very big college in Poznan (Bank School of Poznan) for around 2000 people. For us it’s a pre-evangelism – getting people interested in gospel music, which in effect brings people to gospel music workshops. It also allows Gospel Joy to have a little income for operating our ministry.
Summer Camp
We’ve started preparation for the summer camp, which will take place in July. The staff of volunteers was selected and is at work. This is group of 15, who decided to serve, work and share their talents. There are two new people, who (according to our motto to constantly widen our group with new not yet born again people) who have never worked with us before. Apart of our organizational tasks the team is preparing spiritually, meeting in small groups (two or three people) reading Philippians.
Mission to Romania
We’re also preparing for the August mission trip to Romania. Gospel Joy has sang in 5N Church, Poznan International Church and in a Catholic parish to raise support for this trip. The elders of 5N Church have decided to additional support our efforts. We have over 20 people signed up for the trip! The transport situation is still a challenge – maybe not all will be able to go. What a fantastic problem to have!
These are the things we’re grateful for:
Never changing – for Jesus Christ and closeness to Him!
For the fact that Patrycja practices to find her whole value in Jesus, in being God’s daughter and heir;
Our prayer requests:
For the girl in Krojczyn, that Jesus keeps drawing her to himself and lead her
For preparation before summer gospel music camp and mission trip to Romania – that they are just reasons to get to know God better and surrendering Him of all involved
Andrew Gorski, Director- for wisdom and constant sensitivity to God’s voice and to grow as priest in our family;
Anna Gorski, Andrew’s wife –for being the right help for Andrew
For God to call people to our support team
We thank you for each of you! We thank you for your support!
Andrew Gorski, Director