Forty eight minutes ago, at 16:30 Warsaw, Poland, time, I finished translating the Book of Ezekiel. And I immediately rushed to say thank you to our Lord, and to you, my Prayer Warriors. Thank you for partnering with me. Together we give the Word of God to the nation that never had a translation of the Bible done by the Evangelicals.
Now, take your Bible in your hand, if you please. Open at Psalm 1. Put your finger there, please, and open at Revelation 22. Together, you and I, praying and working, we translated every single word of that part of the Bible from Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek to Polish. How do you like it? I like it. A lot.
What next? We are in the midst of summer! Holidays? Great idea! For quite some time I have been planning to spend my holidays with one of our richest supporters. Not only rich. Wise too. And godly. And generous.
God willing, I will meet him tomorrow. Face to face. Well, language to language, to be precise. His name is Job. I have been planning to spend with him 42 chapters. Will I swim? Drink orange juice? Ride a camel? Maybe, during the first chapter. We may also feast right before we part. But, for the most part, I will be sitting with him and his friends out-door at his bed of suffering. This is true. Rich people suffer too. And even die. Still, I am going to come back richer, and well supported, just as you all are any time you arrive back home from the Book of Job.
Please, let us keep praying and loving one another. Let us enrich one another with riches that come through prayer and presence of God in our midst.
Yours, as ever –
(Humbly and finally at the end of Ezekiel 48)