December 2012
Dear in Christ,
Last weekend was the main point of this year’s Gospel Joy ministry. Everything we had worked for many, many months came down (among other fruit) to 18 new people at the new church plant in Poznan (below pictures are from the first meeting). Praise God for them and for the entire weekend!
One volunteer (not born again yet) said: “I could not believe how nice everybody was during the entire weekend to each other. It’s totally not like my life at the University, where people are not friendly and hurt me sometimes.”
We know it’s Christ living in us. We didn’t do anything special. We just were there, worked hard and people saw this. Another proof of how God changes lives and how his kingdom looks like!
In short:
– 320 people participated in the main gospel music workshops
– 120 kids participated in the kids gospel music workshops
– over 1400 people participated in the Saturday concert
– new church (Word Zone) has started meeting!
Thank you for prayers and support! Please pray for wisdom on how to build on this outreach. Please pray God will use us as we continue the work now on weekly and more personal basis.
Andrew and Ania Gorski,
Gospel Joy