by Summer Kelley
South Sudan
When he first arrived to meet with them, the family of Juba, South Sudan residents thought ITMI's Jahim Buli was a witch doctor. They believed he would solve all their problems.
One of them had recently met an early death, while four others in the house were ill. They'd tried going to a hospital. They attempted using a true shamen. The household idols they worshipped had not shown any signs of life or concern for their situation.
Nothing was helping. In fact, their predicament was getting worse.
One of their relatives, a member of Jahim's church, had shared the gospel with them. "Since she was their close relative, they could not believe what she preached to them," Jahim said. They agreed to have Jahim come and pray for them.
Since he carries the prestigious title of "pastor" they likely assumed he had witch doctor-like powers. They didn't care where the power came from. They just needed it.
"I preached to them about Jesus," Jahim shares, "and I told them it is only Jesus, the Son of God, who can rescue them and deliver them. I try to make them to understand that I am not God and I don't want people to put me in the place of God."
Jahim shares Jesus with a family in Juba, South Sudan.
This "He-must-increase-and-I-must-decrease" stance is incredibly rare in Africa. But Jahim is adamant about it.
What Became of the Sick Family?
"After I prayed for them they are all set free from the power of devil and all the idols burned. The sick are healed and there lives were changed and transformed," Jahim rejoices.
They are now fully committed members of Jahim's newly planted church.
Jahim prays for the family.
Jahim's church meeting on Sunday.
Is this "Health and Wealth" Gospel?
Nope. Jahim's own family hasn't been experiencing wealth or health.
In fact, they've sacrificed deeply to continue their ministry in South Sudan, remaining in the war-torn region when they could have evacuated. Why? To offer the hope of the Good News to people at the time when they need it most.
Jahim's life has been threatened and his home surrounded by violence. His family has counted the cost of following Jesus in tumultuous South Sudan, and gladly paid it.
It's rainy season in South Sudan right now, and Jahim's brother, Stephen, recently contracted Malaria. Then Jahim got it. Now their younger sister is sick. Treatment is costly.
Let's pray that no other family members get it, including Jahim and Gisma's young children.
Jahim with his young daughter, Favor.
Are you feeling led to partner with Jahim as he reaches South Sudan with the Good News?
About the Author
Summer Kelley is a writer and follower of Jesus living in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and three kids. She’s had the honor and privilege of telling ITMI’s stories since 2006. Summer loves reading, the outdoors and Coca-Cola Classic.