I know that times may be tough and uncertain from the human standpoint, but as with Joseph’s story, our God doesn’t operate on our human level. He is not limited to what we can understand…that is why He tells us to trust Him and obey even when the storm is raging. May you rest this month and know the storm is in His hands.
Archives for March 2020
How the Coronavirus Pandemic is Affecting Our Partners
Though most of their churches have been unable to gather, our partners are continuing to minister. Now is most certainly a time when the people of God worldwide need to be reminded to put their trust in Him.
Angelina’s New Hope: Vicky, Lazarus and Team Share Hope in Uganda Refugee Camp
Angelina and her children were forced from their home in 2013 when the first tribal violence erupted in South Sudan. Angelina and her family ended up around 130 miles south of South Sudan’s southern border, in Kiryandongo Refugee settlement near Bweyale, Uganda. Last month, ITMI helped a team of believers from Juba, South Sudan equip pastors and leaders in Bweyale with a 3-day workshop.
Two Stone Hill Women Met Jesus. What They’re Doing Now is Inspiring.
When Olga and Lwazikazi got saved, they would never have guessed what they’d voluntarily do to Lwazikazi’s home. It was a cold August evening in Stone Hill, South Africa. …