Then, with a winsome smile, he said, "I want to help my mom. I'm selling these to give her the money."
His red checked uniform shirt with blue stripes caught the eye of ITMI's Taru Kumar as she walked one of the narrow alleys of the slum in Bangalore. It was the shirt all her students wear to attend her school, Deepam primary school.
The six-year-old and his even smaller brother stood behind a low metal pedestal where six very old and rather battered-looking cellular phone cases were laid out. It was clear he was trying to sell them.
Taru walked over to speak with the dark-haired child, whose name was Khayum.
"Where did you get these?" she queried.
"In the dustbin," he answered proudly, "I brought them home and washed with soap and water."
Then, with a winsome smile, he said, "I want to help my mom. I'm selling these to give her the money."
Taru asked how much the cases were. They ranged from 3 Rupees (~$0.04USD) to fifty Rupees (~$.67USD) for the one that was "big and looking good".
Taru had fun with the boys and bargained with them for one large bright green case that he had said cost fifty Rupees. Khayam agreed to give it to Taru for twenty Rupees. Then, Taru bought all of the cases and gave the boys 100 Rupees.
Khayum flashed an excited smile and ran to give the Rupees to his mother.
When Taru asked the mother why she allowed them to sell the phone cases, she was quiet. Khayum spoke up. "Ma'am," he said, "today we had no breakfast and no tea for mommy. But now I will go and get something for us to eat."
Then his mother spoke up. She told Taru that during the two years Khayum attended David and Taru's primary school her son had the best food to eat and she never had to worry about his food. But since the school was closed by the government during the pandemic, she has not been able to give her children what they need.
"It was so painful for me to hear her say that," Taru commented later.
Deepam Students Weak and Underweight During Pandemic
After battling COVID-19 during the early summer months, David and Taru were able to regain their strength and some restrictions were lifted, meaning they could resume some limited ministry activities.
In June, the Kumars were able to provide a box of flour, some masks, toothpaste, a toothbrush, bath soap, laundry soap and a big family sized package of biscuits and sanitizer to the families of the students of Deepam Education Center.
"It was so nice to see our children, but sad to see most of them are very weak and underweight," the Kumars wrote.
It also saddened them to turn away other members of the community who had come to Deepam with the hope that they, too, would be blessed with desperately needed provision, because there were only enough parcels for the Deepam families.
David and Taru write,
"We as family want to thank you in all humility for your financial support because of which we have food on our table and we are able to pay our medical bills and meet other needs of the family, ministry and people who are in need according to God’s provision.
You have been blessing us to bless others. May the Lord our God bless you, your family and your work and ministry. We are greatly blessed to be laborers together with you in building the kingdom of our master."
"We had no idea how important it was for them."
"We had no idea how important these certificates are for them," David Kumar wrote after awarding certificates of completion to 12 women from the slum who had completed their six-month tailoring course during the spring of 2021.
The women want to learn tailoring so that they can use the skill to earn income to help their families.
Most are not allowed to leave the slum to work, so they are dependent on their husbands' incomes. Often, the men don't see their incomes as something that should be used to provide for their families, so the women and children don't typically have their needs met.
One of the graduates, Husna* is just 23 yrs old. Married at 14, she has two daughters and one son. Two years ago her husband divorced her and married another woman. Right now, Husna lives with her mother who is a domestic helper.
"This certificate helps me find some job or since I have learned how to stitch clothes now, I can work from home and earn money to support my children and I," Husna says.
Deepam primary school normally employs a few teachers. During the pandemic, while the primary school is closed, Taru has asked them to help minister in the slum. One of the Deepam teachers visited Husna and reported that she was already working from home.
"This gives us a great joy and sense of satisfaction," David reflected on Husna's story. He adds, "This is just one story but all of them have story to tell how this training has been a blessing."
During the pandemic, as it has been possible, Taru meets with the teachers and a few women from the slum for prayer. Taru takes the opportunity to share with women from the Bible.
She and David are also equipping their staff to be more effective witnesses for Christ by learning Urdu and deepening their understanding of the faith of those they seek to share Christ with.
A Different Perspective
Imraz was 7 years old when Taru made an exception so that he could attend Deepam school. Normally, she takes students that are 3-5 years old.
But Imraz was a special circumstance.
He was denied admission to any school because he has a physical handicap. He cannot straighten his knees, meaning he also cannot walk. His mother must carry him if he is to go anywhere.
But Taru had a different perspective, shaped by her faith and study of the Bible.
She saw that Imraz is intelligent. He did well in his studies under Taru's direction.
Now, he is 11 years old, and it is getting difficult for his mother to carry him.
"We have been burdened to help this boy," say David and Taru, "We thought the best thing would be to buy a wheelchair."
Taru found a chair that she believes will be the best for Imraz's needs for around $155 USD. This would completely change Imraz's life and help Taru and David demonstrate the truth of who God is and what He values in a place where many don't understand this truth.
In Touch Mission International serves and empowers godly national believers to make disciples.
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