Before ITMI's Adi and Ema Ban left Romania yesterday for their week ministering in Tanzania, Adi and a team made another quick trip to Ukraine.
Adi and Ema had just returned from a week of ministering and teaching on Biblical family life in Iasi, Romania.
Adi and Ema teaching in Iasi, Romania.
In addition to meeting with pastors and ministry partners in Ukraine, Adi's purpose on this trip was to deliver water filter systems given by several donors.
His team distributed portable water filtration systems as well as installed water filtration systems in places that are receiving refugees.
Portable water filtration systems for Ukraine.
Tap water from before the filter.
After installing the filter, the water is clean. (The blue device measures water toxicity.)
One of the filtration systems installed in a refugee center.
Adi and one of his teammates.
Risking Everything
Every time Adi and his teams enter Ukraine, they are taking a risk.
The believers and pastors who are staying in Ukraine to help refugees and drive delivery vans are at risk even more frequently.
These two short videos say it all.
Bullet holes and damage to the delivery vans tell you everything you need to know about the risks these drivers are taking.
The supply vans bring food and leave with people who need to get out of towns where they can no longer buy food or medicine and their lives are in danger.
Trains and buses are no longer running regularly, so in some cases, this might be their only way of getting to safety.
This video was recorded at the refugee center where Adi was delivering supplies just 3 days prior.
The video camera in the center's warehouse in Ternopil recorded the terrifying sound of an incoming rocket on April 3.
What a beautiful demonstration of the Gospel these people of God are displaying!
Just as Christ gave His life to save us, these men are risking their lives to rescue others.
In Touch Mission International serves and empowers godly national believers to make disciples.
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