No room to move about.
It was December 20th. Fifty mothers and four fathers packed into the tiny collection of rooms used by ITMI’s David and Taru Kumar for their ministry activities in Modi Road slum in Bangalore, India.
“There was no room to move about,” David wrote of what it was like to be inside Deepam Center for Women and Children that day.
The center is home to one of the Kumar’s main outreaches, Deepam Primary School.
The 54 residents of Modi Road, an area known locally as “Little Pakistan” due to its high concentration of people ascribing to the Muslim faith, had come to Deepam Center to see the children of Deepam Primary School - their children - perform as part of the school’s Christmas celebration.
Modi Road, Bangalore.
The program was an hour and a half long and was comprised of songs, dance, and a skit about God visiting a family in the form of a sick person, a hungry poor man, and a man who had no winter clothes to keep himself warm.
After the performance, some came forward and expressed how thankful they are to Deepam ministry and the efforts of the Deepam staff to help their children grow and improve their learning skills and discipline.
“To some [of the parents], it was a delight watching their children perform, and to some, it was a surprise to see how much their children have changed,” David observed.
A Deepam parent expresses his gratitude.
Then David shared with everyone from the Bible about why Jesus, being the very Word of God, had become a man.
He told the salvation story from creation to cross, explaining the consequences of sin and how only Jesus can save anyone who comes to Him and by faith accepts Him as Savior and Lord.
David shares the Gospel with the Deepam students and parents.
The program ended with each child being blessed with a large, quality double blanket that could easily keep four to five children warm at night.
The children and parents alike cherished the gift because of the cold that seeps in through the thin walls and many cracks of the shanties most of the families of Modi Road live in.
In Touch Mission International serves and empowers godly national believers to make disciples.
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