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This free resource that you will be receiving is provided by In Touch Mission International, a mission organization helping believers share the Gospel and make disciples in Africa, Asia and Europe. We work to help people just like you grow in their relationship with Christ.
We also work to give people around the world the opportunity benefit from the truth and freedom gained from the study of God's Word.
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About Gary
For over 30 years, Gary has been committed to helping others on their journey to achieving a breakthrough and experiencing peace, hope, purpose, and joy as a pastor, counselor, coach, and author.
He is a lover of God, family, people, and all things positive. As a firm believer in the power of story, Gary shares his story as well as the stories of others in his book, A Little White Casket, in order to help readers accept the grief and loss of the present, confront the truth of the past and reframe towards the future. A Little White Casket is available on Amazon.
Gary’s counseling ministry operates on support, often making help from a Biblical perspective available to the hurting, even if they can’t afford it.
If you’ve enjoyed these studies from Gary, we hope you’ll consider making a gift in support of his counseling ministry.
Your gift supports Gary as he provides the hurting with Biblical counseling.