They can navigate the culture.
Nationals can avoid cultural pitfalls and share the Gospel effectively.
They already speak the language.
A national already knows the language. They can share the Good News right now!
They can navigate the culture.
Nationals can avoid cultural pitfalls and share the Gospel effectively.
They already speak the language.
A national already knows the language. They can share the Good News right now!
They know the current needs.
They use resources most efficiently.
With their feet on the ground and in the trenches, nationals know exactly what is helpful - and what is not.
One year of support for a family in the field could support 10-40 national believers and avoid start-up costs altogether.
They know the current needs.
With their feet on the ground and in the trenches, nationals know exactly what is helpful - and what is not.
They use resources most efficiently.
One year of support for a family in the field could support 10-40 national believers and avoid start-up costs altogether.