December 2012
Out of His fullness we have received grace upon grace.” (John 1:16)
Have you ever had a mistake turn into a blessing? We have.
This fall we’ve been studying the book of James with the Couples Group. An unintended typo on a chapter and a verse caused everyone to read other NT passages and find more connections to the text at hand – James 3.
Therefore we were able to grasp a more ample perspective both from the writings of Paul and of James.
James wrote of the perils of the tongue, and admonished his readers to be careful of their speech, where Paul spoke of the fruit of the Spirit, and that’s where we made the connection: Godly speech is the mark of a spiritually mature person.
Lord, as we minister in 2013, may our words be a blessing to those we serve!
Several times this year the Lord brought opportunities for speaking engagements. Adrian was invited to share at a conference for business people involved in mission and various other social projects in the Czech Republic.
The participants’ survey mentioned Adrian’s talk about the source of wisdom as a highlight. Ema was invited to address a large group of young women (many of them non evangelical, students at the local state university) as part of a training project. She was the last speaker, and was asked to provide the “balance.”
The first speakers mentioned their schooling and career, and Ema shared about her training and also being a full-time mom and in ministry with Adi, as well as choices young ladies can make regarding their time no matter what the season of life they are in.
Thank you Lord for working in and through us!
Before we close, let us visit the Boys Corner. Andy, Eduard and Tommy are growing and maturing.
Andy has received a nice gift this Fall: an SAT Prep Book! While we are still looking at schools in Romania and the US, we are praying and trusting in the Lord for his future.
Eduard excels in several areas, but piano, tennis and history are at the top. He played “Day by Day, And With Each Passing Moment” at our niece’s wedding in September, and did a wonderful job.
Tommy is in fourth grade, still enjoying math and playing soccer with his classmates! He is their top scorer and is good at leading his team.
Lord, thank you for the gift of parenting!
We began with a verse from the first chapter in John’s gospel. We’d like to end with a thought from the same passage found in our devotional a few days ago.
Don Carson wrote,
“He was not only the obedient Son who discharged the mission his Father assigned him, but also the eternal Word made flesh who disclosed the Father perfectly to a generation of rebellious image-bearers. And so much more. And all of these things we should see, too, and bow in solemn, joyful worship.”
Lord, please give us the grace to do so!
We pray Lord’s blessings on you and your family this Christmas and in the New Year! We are grateful for your faithfulness in praying for us and supporting our ministry.
May the Lord cover you with His grace and peace!
Adrian, Ema, Andy, Eduard and Tommy