Dr. Joseph C. Aldrich is quoted as saying something some might find surprising. Aldrich highlights one of the “weapons” at the church’s disposal for evangelism in Lifestyle Evangelism. Is it training? It is it a certain tract or method? Is it passion? Is it an effusive and charasmatic personality? Caring for orphans and widows? To be sure, these have great value, and are important parts of sharing the Good News, but Aldrich makes a different claim.
The Health Minister Said Not to, But We Went Anyway!
Though we had less than a month, we gathered the funds needed for our trip and ITMI graciously partnered with us, and we were grateful to the Lord for His provision. Then a swine flu broke out in Ukraine, and we were strongly advised not to go by the Ministry of Health.
How a New Couples Fellowship Was Formed
The couple in front of ITMI’s Adi and Ema Ban was the second couple to make the same request. It was 2014. Their Pre-Marital Seminar was wrapping up.
An ITMI Partner’s Insightful Answer to “What’s the Key to Raising Godly Kids?”
We’ve often had parents of young children ask our advice or attend the Parenting Seminar we lead wanting to have the “key” to raising godly children, and we’ve emphasized the importance of…
The Radio Opened a Door
Young people today (and dating couples, in particular) are more exposed to written and visual materials on relationships and marriage – both positive and negative – and are more apprehensive about reaching a decision. Following the broadcast, a young lady who is a new believer, called Ema and requested a meeting. She really wanted Ema to…
A Mistake Turned Blessing
Have you ever had a mistake turn into a blessing? We have.
Building Strong Marriages
Ana followed her fiance, Mihai, up to the stoop of ITMI’s Adrain – Adi as they knew him – and Ema Ban’s home in Oradea, Romania. As the couple welcomed them in with smiles, Ana immediately felt safe and warm. She fidgeted nervously with her fingers, hair and anything else she could find. She and Mihai were there for a diagnosis of their relationship. Ana knew the Bans wrote and published a book on marriage – she assumed they were a picture of perfection. Ana observed Ema’s preparatory interactions with her three sons and her response to her husband, and was relieved to find…
Discipling the Children and Those Who Lead Them
Then one day this letter came from our dear friends whom we knew were expecting a baby in mid-December. I opened it with the expectation of seeing a picture entitled, “Our baby’s first Christmas”. Eduard and Tommy were with me in the room, so they were waiting for the same thing. Inside there was a picture of them, but not with a baby.