by Summer Kelley
ITMI partners, Adi and Ema Ban, minister to couples and families in Romania. They have discipled many young-couples-turned-young-families through the adjustments of marriage and children through their Young Couples Fellowship. They have also taught, authored and contributed to books on the topic.
The Bans are passionate about helping young couples build strong marriages and families.
The Ban Family
This is an excerpt from their last newsletter.
Of all the projects we have been working on lately, one very dear to our hearts was writing a chapter on the Grace of God in a book on Apologetics for Children, which will be published by Ravi Zacharias Ministries, Romania.
As we were doing the research, one article struck a chord: the writer, a Christian counselor, emphasized how in today’s generation it is much more important to be the kind of person you want your children to become.
Many parents focus on having their children attend this or that successful program or school, or after-school.
Likewise, we’ve often had parents of young children ask our advice or attend the Parenting Seminar we lead wanting to have the “key” to raising godly children, and much like this author, we’ve emphasized the importance of personal example and prayer.
Children learn about the grace of God by watching their parents.
It's great to know that these Romanian families are being discipled to live a life that bows to Jesus rather than cultural pressures, thanks to your support!
Summer Kelley is a writer living in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and three kids. She’s had the honor and privilege of telling ITMI’s stories since 2006. She’s a homeschooling mom and a T-shirt and jeans aficionado who likes all things simple. When she’s not writing or homeschooling, you can find her honing her skills as what some might call a "suburban survivalist" as she learns to thrive in the suburbs with 3 kids. As a productivity and organizing enthusiast, she may or may not spend hours attempting to use technology to "save time.” Summer loves reading, the outdoors and Coca-Cola Classic from the fountain.