Karolina was careful never to break the rules. She religiously attended church. She did everything they taught in order to make herself a better person – a person good enough for the distant god she felt she could never appease to accept.
Deep down, she always knew it would never be enough.
Karolina participated in a Gospel Joy Workshop, where she was accepted by the believers there. Their community and freedom propelled her to visit one of the Word Zone church plants.
What she saw – real people with real challenges demonstrating real faith and genuine love for one another – changed her life.
Karolina wanted to be like the people there. But the “good-enough” girl still wasn’t ready to give up on being considered good through religious good works.
A few months later, she attended a Word Zone camp. ITMI partners Andrew and Ania Gorski were instrumental in helping her see the joys of a personal relationship with an intimate Savior. They gently explained that she could only be “good-enough” in Christ.

The music of Gospel Joy is joyful and exuberant about the singers’ relationship with Jesus.
With tears in her eyes, Karolina gave up on her religious works and decided to begin a relationship with Jesus and become part of a body of believers in Warsaw.
The music of Gospel Joy is joyful and exuberant about the singers’ relationship with Jesus.
Photo credit: Gospel Joy
So many like Karolina are coming to faith in Jesus. With your support, ITMI’s Gospel Joy Workshops and Evangelism is making a huge impact in Poland. But they can’t do it alone.
Karolina has an urgent message for those who pray and support Gospel Joy and the Gorski family:
Thank you!
by Summer Kelley