This article was originally published in the March 2016 edition of ITMI Monthly.
"Still, I’m ready to bless and reach others until He comes!”
Without telling her husband, who was an Islamic Sheikh, Sarah attended the gathering of a local Ugandan church.When she saw the beauty and selflessness of Christ’s character that was so different from anything she’d known before, she received Christ.
Sarah brought her son, Abdul, who had been diagnosed with brain cancer, to church. There, Abdul’s condition was prayed over.
When he returned to the hospital, they were told the brain cancer was gone!
She refused to go to the Mosque and told her husband about her new faith. After a year or so of hostility and abuse, he eventually threw Sarah out and married another woman.
Surviving alone as a single mother in Uganda was difficult. Sarah scavenged for food in garbage pits to feed her children. She found employment as a house-maid, but the mistress, who was “using demonic power” sent her away because she was a follower of Jesus. She called Sarah a “dangerous agent.”
Sarah attended one of ITMI partner, Muhindo Kawede’s recent Portable Bible Schools. She said that as a result, her understanding of the Bible grew and is transforming her life.
Sarah takes notes at a chapel of the Portable Bible School Kawede did near Entebbe, Uganda.
ITMI partner, Muhindo Kawede awards Sarah her diploma for completing his Portable Bible School.
Sarah is excited to share what she learned from ISM with the world. After all she’s been through, Sarah is committed to sharing Jesus with anyone who needs Him until He comes- even if it requires laying down her life.
Sarah shared the Gospel with her four children, and they have accepted Him, too. One of them gave a speech at Sarah’s graduation from Portable Bible School. He shared how his mother helped them know Jesus and looked after them in difficult conditions.
He hopes to join ISM’s degree program.
Sarah proudly displays her diploma from Portable Bible School with Kawede and her son.
Summer Kelley is a writer and follower of Jesus living in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and three kids. She’s had the honor and privilege of telling ITMI’s stories since 2006. Summer loves reading, the outdoors and Coca-Cola Classic.
Steve Evers has advocated for and served the ITMI partners as ITMI Director since 2001. Approximately once a year, Steve visits with ITMI partners in their countries and brings stories back to encourage supporters. Steve enjoys photography and mechanics, (both hobbies that have greatly benefited ITMI partners!) Prior to becoming ITMI's Director, Steve served on the Board of Directors for 12 years. Steve lives in Arizona with his wife, Darlene.