Revealed in this article:
- The simple idea that shockingly, many in remote villages don't know exists.
- An exciting example of the impact you've had in Zambia.
- How discipleship can work even when you don't live near those you disciple.
- Three groups that have received 2 amazing and important benefits from the Kellers' Container Project.
The Mindset of Zambian Villagers Might Surprise You
In many remote Zambian villages, life seems to be a cruel and meaningless cycle of suffering and poverty. They don't know why they exist, but they know their existence is hard and filled with suffering.
They'll never have enough. Nothing will get better, and no one cares.
ITMI's Timothy Keller, who has been ministering in many such villages for over a decade, calls this "Poverty Mindset." He finds that many residents of rural villages have never heard of an alternative way to think about their lives.
Theft, adultery, prostitution, gambling and fighting are rampant. Peace is not.
Although there are many reasons that could be contributing to this, one is undoubtedly a low level of education combined with too much free time. Zambian culture - especially in rural Zambia - is not yet a reading culture.
Some of these villages have been told about Jesus, but very little outside their Animistic culture has been poured into them to change the way they think, act and live.
Through your support and prayer, Timothy is laboring to change that.
For over 10 years, Timothy's been visiting the most remote Zambian villages and discipling those who are willing. He immediately saw the need to provide quality reading material that would help with the discipleship process.
That's how the Kellers' Container Project was born. In the past 7 years, the Kellers have collected and shipped 40 tons of discipleship materials to Zambia in two separate shipping containers! That amazing feat was the product of the financial support and sweat equity of many of you.
The second container, filled with 18 tons of discipleship materials and Bibles! Imagine the impact!
"I can’t understate what a difference these Bibles and discipleship materials make in the lives of people who otherwise have little to no access to the Gospel."
Timothy delivers boxes of Bibles and discipleship materials.
Who else was impacted by the two containers?
1.Pastors who have a network of churches. Some was distributed by them into areas that the Kellers themselves haven't even been, but have now touched and impacted!
Rural pastors pick out materials they can use!
Timothy says, "It is hard to quantify the difference they will make in the life of a child… but I can tell you it is something to see a bush school that had nothing become a school with posters, books, and stationary!! Wow, the smiling faces and growing minds are something to fill my heart with joy!"
A bush school equipped by supplies from the Kellers' container.
3.Key Individuals. Some of the materials were given to individuals as part of courses and outreaches.
Timothy has been giving worldview courses for local law enforcements, teaching them how the God's Word implicates their daily work.
The Ongoing Impact You Helped Make
By providing books and discipleship materials via education outlets - churches, schools, Bible studies - many received two benefits.
- Something to do (instead of stealing, fighting and other destructive behaviors.)
- An opportunity to come to Christ.
With 40+ tons of Bibles and materials, how many people will have the opportunity to change their poverty mindset, come to Christ and impact their village, community, and culture?
Now, villagers who were trapped in a poverty mindset can become leaders and mindset-changers in their own communities.
The impacts is incalculable, because its so wide! And the influence of the Kellers' work will continue to grow as time goes on.
Thanks for your partnership in this amazing, important and impactful project!
About the Author
Summer Kelley is a writer and follower of Jesus living in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and three kids. She’s had the honor and privilege of telling ITMI’s stories since 2006. Summer loves reading, the outdoors and Coca-Cola Classic.