Seeing new things being constructed is thrilling. The formation of something new holds a myriad of possibilities to ignite our imaginations. But the construction of this building is scintillating because of the hope it represents.
This building represents hope for a brighter future.
This building represents hope for change from the nothing-will-ever-change rut many rural villagers are stuck in.
This building will change lives in a way the villagers of Kabowa, Zambia couldn't even imagine. It will be a place where the village children learn about the world from the Lord's perspective.
Where they not only receive the hope of an education, but the lasting hope they can only find in the Lord and Author of all they will learn about.
ITMI's long-time partner Eugene Kalunga of Excellence Christian Academy has been incredibly effective at providing a quality education for children who otherwise wouldn't get one in his city of Kabwe, Zambia.
Now God is opening the door for Eugene to provide this amazing opportunity for the children of a rural village called Kabowa.
And the project is well on its way!
The locals cleared the land of trees and bushes for their new school.
Once the position of the classrooms and office were set, they set to work digging the foundation.
It took them 3 days.
ITMI's Eugene Kalunga of Excellence Christian Academy at the site.
This. This is why the project is so vital.
A truck full of building materials makes its way through the unfriendly terrain.
As a kingdom investment, Praise Kalunga contributed 20 tons of river sand, 20 tons of building sand 20 tons of crushed stones.
With the materials on-site, the casting of concrete into the foundation began on January 15, 2018.
Eugene is full of faith. "With the involvement of the local ladies drawing water and the men preparing the concrete, we believe that God who started this marvelous work will see it to its completion." (Phil 1:6-7)
Eugene is still in need of some partners who would like to see village children be educated from a Biblical perspective through one-time donations that would cover desks, chairs and some basic office set-up needs.
(If that's you, click the button below and make sure to note "Village School" in the comment box.)
About the Author
Summer Kelley is a writer and follower of Jesus living in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and three kids. She’s had the honor and privilege of telling ITMI’s stories since 2006. Summer loves reading, the outdoors and Coca-Cola Classic.