"We will win if we don’t get discouraged and despondent, because Jesus has already won the victory."
My oldest son, Andy, and I had a good laugh at the beginning of last month when he sent me a meme that stated:
“I’d like to cancel my subscription to 2021. I’ve experienced the free 7-day trial and I’m not interested.”
So far, with elections results being certified, riots, and an inauguration that was not like any previous inaugurations, 2021 has been interesting to those of us who live in the USA.
Dan Rockwell, in his daily mentoring email called “Leadership Freak” shares a couple ideas that leaders should implement into their daily lives, and we as believers in Christ and heirs of the God who created all things and holds all things in the balance, should consider how we are now going to “…let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Phil 2:5
Allow me to share a few statements from Dan’s post:
“We miss opportunities for personal growth, acts of service and relationship development when we wait for the storms to pass….”
“Leadership is most relevant in turbulence.”
“Turbulence is inevitable…Instability drags on…You may not solve everything, but you can solve something.”
“Leadership reflects you. You’re doomed to stagnation, frustration and excuse-making when you blame your actions [or life] on circumstances or people.”
“2020 [2021] reminds control freaks that we don’t control everything. You never flourish if all you do is wait for something to be over.”
It’s interesting to observe that most of our national partners have long needed to push back from stagnation, frustration and excuse-making when it comes to living and doing ministry in their cultures and environments in order to fulfill the daily mission they have been called to.
They were born into struggles and difficult times. It is their main staple on a daily basis. They have - or are learning to - rest in a God that is in control and able to overcome any and all challenges.
They grow in trust, faith and hope as they just carry on with the lives that God has placed them in. Many times, they do this all with smiles and joyous laughter that encourages and lifts the heart of one very blessed mission director who is visiting and talking with them.
Speaking of those who have been an encouragement, ITMI honors Dene Kegerreis for many years of faithful ministry as a volunteer serving our partners. Dene went to be with the Lord last month. Our group of volunteers enjoyed Dene's sense of humor and warmth, and she will be missed.
God is not finished with each of us. We are all here because the task is not yet complete. People still need Jesus and His hope-growing promises.
Many years ago when dealing with a possessed woman in Uganda, I was exhausted both physically and mentally. I was done. I wanted to close up shop and move on to the things I enjoy doing. I wanted to “unsubscribe.” I wanted to be…comfortable. But I clearly felt the nudging of the Holy Spirit to “…not give up…if you give up…they win…”
These brief words cleared my mind and revealed to me anew the truth that the enemy, both back then and even today, has already lost. We know the ending. We know the author. We know His promises are true. We will win if we don’t get discouraged and despondent, because Jesus has already won the victory.
Will you redouble your efforts to “not quit”, to “not let them win”? We need each other, as we obey and follow God’s leading and His plan to “reach the nations.” We love you all and pray for you often.
In His Service,
Steve Evers has advocated for and served the ITMI partners as ITMI Director since 2001. Approximately once a year, Steve visits with ITMI partners in their countries and brings stories back to encourage supporters. Steve enjoys photography and mechanics (both hobbies that have greatly benefited ITMI partners!) Prior to becoming ITMI’s Director, Steve served on […]
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