Currently Operating
Discipleship, Organizational Headquarters, Pastoral Training, Short-Term Mission Trips
“When Enja* first came to Spring of Love Christian Academy, she had some behavioral challenges. Enja’s teacher, Elizabeth Caldwell, recalls, “She was…”
Follow Steve’s travels in DR Congo, Zambia, and South Africa! (Spring 2024)
In 2021, among Covid restrictions and all, ITMI Director Steve Evers, traveled across the world to…
Stories from a Village School Teacher
“When Enja* first came to Spring of Love Christian Academy, she had some behavioral challenges. Enja’s teacher, Elizabeth Caldwell, recalls, “She was…”
Trip Log: DR Congo, Zambia, South Africa 2024
Follow Steve’s travels in DR Congo, Zambia, and South Africa! (Spring 2024)
Exciting Opportunities in the DR Congo!
In 2021, among Covid restrictions and all, ITMI Director Steve Evers, traveled across the world to…
How do vehicle racers, at breakneck speeds, make adjustments to avoid obstacles or other racers? …
We asked our partners to share some of the ways Jesus’ kingdom was advanced this year. We hope you are encouraged by their answers and the special messages they have for you!
Mary was orphaned when she was 10…
Her siblings could go to school, but because of a disability, she could not. Now in her twenties, she recently fell and broke her arm. …
Dear Team: Look Where You Want to Go!
How do vehicle racers, at breakneck speeds, make adjustments to avoid obstacles or other racers? …
Merry Christmas from Your ITMI Partners!
We asked our partners to share some of the ways Jesus’ kingdom was advanced this year. We hope you are encouraged by their answers and the special messages they have for you!
Sin Hurts and Jesus Cares: Examples from Around the World
Mary was orphaned when she was 10…
Her siblings could go to school, but because of a disability, she could not. Now in her twenties, she recently fell and broke her arm. …
As Director of In Touch Mission International, Steve's leadership enables believers all over the world to partner with each other for the benefit of God's kingdom.
Steve spends his time serving and empowering ITMI partners. Steve travels to visit, encourage and support ITMI nationals annually, then returns to the US to advocate for their ministries and tell their stories. These first-hand visits are an integral part of ITMI's commitment to integrity and accountability.
His first-hand knowledge of ITMI partners and their needs allows people to make meaningful connections that allow for greater impact. His advocacy of ITMI partners has resulted in the blessing of many supporters and partners.
Steve's passion for God and love for people is evident wherever He goes. He not only works to enable ITMI's partners to do the work they were called to do, but to give more and more people the blessing of being involved with what God is doing through prayer and financial support.
Photo by Timothy Keller
Enables ITMI Partners to Spread the Good News
div.ex1 { padding: 0px 30px; }Your gifts allow Steve to give his full attention to the needs of the mission, enabling our partners to focus on the needs around them and introducing the Good News to the needy in their communities.
Provides ITMI Partners with Accountability
div.ex1 { padding: 0px 30px; }Your support means there is someone working full-time to ensure that ITMI's commitment to integrity and accountability is carried out with site visits and regular communication.
Equips Godly, Faithful Nationals for Service
div.ex1 { padding: 0px 30px; }Your support of Steve helps him disciple godly nationals around the world, helping them grow in their faith and equipping them for ministry through regular communication and visits.
I received the news that a long-festering infection had invaded two of my upper teeth with such a vengeance that I would need to…
I lost a dear friend and partner this last month. We had 30+ years of serving, mentoring, and teaching together, whether under the same roof or…
Her face looks like it can barely contain her smile, doesn’t it?
Why is she so happy? …
Dear Team: Why I’m Thankful for My Recent Dental Pain
I received the news that a long-festering infection had invaded two of my upper teeth with such a vengeance that I would need to…
Dear Team: I Lost a Dear Friend Last Month
I lost a dear friend and partner this last month. We had 30+ years of serving, mentoring, and teaching together, whether under the same roof or…
Why a Ukrainian Pastor’s Wife was So Happy to Receive a Bible in Romanian
Her face looks like it can barely contain her smile, doesn’t it?
Why is she so happy? …
These 17 were hand-picked because they were already in positions to immediately implement and re-teach the Biblical truths laid out in the SALT material to others. …
Abid and Saleem waited outside the worn-down double gate…
In mid-August, ITMI sent a team to Ukraine to provide Biblical encouragement and discipleship for believing ministry workers. …
17 Leaders Equipped with SALT Discipleship Material
These 17 were hand-picked because they were already in positions to immediately implement and re-teach the Biblical truths laid out in the SALT material to others. …
Building and Launching the Goat Project in Pakistan
Abid and Saleem waited outside the worn-down double gate…
From Our Team in Ukraine
In mid-August, ITMI sent a team to Ukraine to provide Biblical encouragement and discipleship for believing ministry workers. …