These flood victims have been overlooked or discriminated against by Muslim organizations giving aid, who required them to accept Islamic beliefs first. Abid shows them how Jesus loves them unconditionally by offering them kindness, aid and a relationship with Jesus - no strings attached.
“Jesus loves you,” Abid tells every flood victim receiving food. “You need to know Him.”
“Jesus loves you,” Abid tells every flood victim receiving food. “You need to know Him.”
When you've lost everything, a bag of food is precious. It means survival. It means someone cares about you. It means perhaps you can let yourself hope that Abid's claim that "Jesus loves you" could be true.
Abid prays for a young boy, Praam, who was burning up with a fever (they think dengue or malaria) after providing medicine his family could not.
Abid gathers all the families and tells them Jesus loves them, has provided for them, and they need to know Him.
When you've lost everything, a bag of food is precious. It means survival. It means someone cares about you. It means perhaps you can let yourself hope that Abid's claim that "Jesus loves you" could be true.
Abid prays for a young boy, Praam, who was burning up with a fever (they think dengue or malaria) after providing medicine his family could not.
Abid gathers all the families and tells them Jesus loves them, has provided for them, and they need to know Him.
There were many meaningful interactions during this outreach. Everyone Abid and his team spoke with was interested in hearing more about Jesus. One man confessed, “We have no light - our lives are like darkness. You are telling us the right path.”
Abid connected with this man for follow-up and also connected him with a local believer who has experience coming from the Hindu faith to Jesus.
There were many meaningful interactions during this outreach. Everyone Abid and his team spoke with was interested in hearing more about Jesus. One man confessed, “We have no light - our lives are like darkness. You are telling us the right path.”
Abid connected with this man for follow-up and also connected him with a local believer who has experience coming from the Hindu faith to Jesus.
Khaisn’s wife passed away, leaving him with four children. Then the flood destroyed everything and Khaisn was struggling to provide formula for the baby. With the gifts from ITMI supporters, Abid was able to provide formula for 2 weeks.
Khaisn’s wife passed away, leaving him with four children. Then the flood destroyed everything and Khaisn was struggling to provide formula for the baby. With the gifts from ITMI supporters, Abid was able to provide formula for 2 weeks.
“There is one hope, it comes from Jesus.”
“There is one hope, it comes from Jesus.”
They call it love and encouragement.
We call it the General Fund.
“Their visit was a great encouragement...”
- David Kumar, India
Your year-end contribution to the ITMI General Fund enables our staff to provide the support our partners in the field rely on.
Steve Evers has advocated for and served the ITMI partners as ITMI Director since 2001. Approximately once a year, Steve visits with ITMI partners in their countries and brings stories back to encourage supporters. Steve enjoys photography and mechanics (both hobbies that have greatly benefited ITMI partners!) Prior to becoming ITMI’s Director, Steve served on […]
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