Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your desire to make disciples in Europe.
We are so thankful for your partnership in empowering godly nationals to share the Gospel. Through your partnership with ITMI and Bread of Life, many disciples have been made.
The partnership between In Touch Mission International and Bread of Life and the New Life Center has ended.
While this means we are no longer able to facilitate your partnership with Bread of Life, God has given us other opportunities to partner with godly nationals in Poland, and we hope you will consider continuing to support the spreading of hope and the Good News in Poland.
We have two partners with similar ministries that may interest you. We would ask you to prayerfully consider directing your support to one of these worthy causes.
Your gift enables our partners to meet physical needs in Jesus’ name, providing them a powerful opportunity to share the Gospel with those in need.
Reach, serve and demonstrate Jesus’ love for the lost, forgotten and hurting in Kalisz, Poland through the ministry of this faithful and compassionate Polish national.
Change how an entire country understands the Lord by providing a Bible translator producing a translation of God’s Word that the average, modern Polish speaker can understand.