I’ve just returned from a national pastor’s conference held in our capital, Pretoria. Pastors couldn’t believe…

Missionary work is not a life of ease. There aren’t too many Marriott Hotels (or hotels of any kind) in the jungle.

ITMI’s Charl van Wyk shares a little about the discipleship projects he is involved with.

ITMI partner, Charl van Wyk, has given his life to ministering in Africa. He’s preached. He’s gotten his hands dirty. His life has been threatened. …

“The only place you may urinate is the bus toilet,” boomed the announcement from the bus company employee. Although you would think an announcement like that should go without saying, apparently the bus-line’s experience was that it could not go without saying…

There are still many places waiting to be reached with some good news. Whole villages in Africa that have never heard of the good Creator who sacrificed His Son for them. And that He has the power to help them. To heal them. To redeem their suffering. There they wait. Sacrificing out of their poverty […]

Many pastors and evangelists in the Democratic Republic of Congo are deeply appreciative of the Bibles and bikes they have received. As a believer you know the unmistakable truth and strength of God’s Word, and the importance of putting it into the hands of as many people as possible.


ITMI partner, Charl van Wyk makes frequent trips to Zambia and the DRC Congo, where he encourages the local believers - who many times don't have contact with the outside world due to the estrangement that comes with a war-torn infrastructure.

One especially effective delivery item has been bicycles for local pastors and evangelists, enabling them to bike to an unreached village nearby and share the gospel with them.

The Bikes and Bibles Fund goes to directly purchase bibles and bikes for ITMI partner, Charl van Wyk to deliver, empowering African evangelists and pastors to evangelize and disciple more people within their newly-expanded reach.


Charl van Wyk

Bicycles are a cost-effective way to reach many with the gospel!

Charl van Wyk, Bicycles, Pastors, Africa

Charl van Wyk with African pastors and their new bikes!


Printed Bibles, Zimbabwe

Equips Believers with Bibles

Equips Believers with Bibles

Many believers around the world are unable to obtain a copy of the Bible for themselves. Sometimes, even pastors lack a full copy of the God's Word. Your gift helps Charl van Wyk and his ministry co-workers address this need when they encounter it in the course of ministry.


Expands the Reach of God's People

Expands the Reach of God's People

Expand the reach of believers ready and willing to share the Good News by equipping them with a bicycle, enabling them to carry the Gospel farther.

Stone Hill, South Africa, Charl van Wyk

Encourage Faithful Believers to Share the Gospel

Encourage Faithful Believers to Share the Gospel

Providing a Bible or a bicycle encourages godly believers in their calling to grow in Christ and share the Good News.