The 7 Rivers knitters held their first meeting at the newly opened Thola Center at the beginning of March! The 7 Rivers knitters is a group of Zulu women that…

Be in the room and hear the cheers of excitement as the 7 Rivers Knitters open two new sewing machines donated by ITMI supporters to help them earn income and provide for their families!

In the cluster of 3 villages that occupy the hilly terrain outside Durban, South Africa where ITMI’s Kelly and Cherise Smith minister, they have a unique procedure for the transfer of property. It is not done in a title office, or with a lawyer or notary. …

In this video, hear from both Fifi Smith and Kelly Smith as well as others from their team about this exciting new opportunity.

Iminathi* was not yet 9 when it happened. …

“We had 39 ladies this morning with several missing! Several ladies expressed their thankfulness for Karin teaching the Word, and the chance to make an income making beautiful things.”


According to the CIA's 2019 estimate, South Africa ranked number one in HIV/AIDS related deaths, with about 72,000. South Africa also has the highest reported number of people living with HIV/AIDS, about 7.5 million.

Much of this is related to the Animistic practices that are common among South African tribes.

Because of their commitment to their Animistic witchcraft religious practices, they are widely accepting of the message of Christianity, but few find the courage to renounce Animism all together and confess Jesus as the one and only Lord, particularly if that message comes from a person outside their tribe.

Since the message of the Gospel is exponentially more powerful coming from a fellow member of their tribe, the testimony of Zulu believers is the ideal way to share the Gospel.



Fifi Smith, Kelly and Cherise Smith, South Africa

Proclaim the Gospel

Proclaim the Gospel

Your support of Kelly and Cherise Smith allows them to live in Durban, South Africa, where they help Zulu believers put the Gospel message before the Zulu in their community - in the Zulu language - as often as possible. This is done through various outreaches as doors are open and resources are provided.

south africa

Equip Zulu Believers for Ministry

Equip Zulu Believers for Ministry

Kelly works with young Zulu men, training them to become Biblical leaders and pastors through a seminary he helped start. The Smiths are involved with the local Zulu church in their village, providing support and encouragement.

Christmas Outreaches by ITMI partners, 2019 Catalog

Community Outreach and Education

Community Outreach and Education

Your support of the Smiths means they can live and serve in KwaZulu Natal and are available to be involved in educational programs and outreaches.


Cherise is a South African national who came to America, where she met Kelly. The Lord called them to live among and minister to the people of the Zulu tribe in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa and they have been doing so since 2006.

The Smiths established 7 Rivers Farm, where they lived outside of Durban, South Africa until 2021.

The farm provides housing for the local Zulu pastor, as well as a ministry base for the Smith's daughter, Fifi. It was named for the 7 times you need to cross the river to get from Durban to the farm.

The farm also provides the 7 Rivers team with resources with which to reach and bless the community with, such as the Chwabasi seeds that young women from the community can make beads with to craft jewelry for a bit of income, and the Moringa trees whose seeds yield a powder that is beneficial to many locals who struggle with health challenges such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS.

Amahle and Fifi met a few years ago and the two have gotten to know each other well. Fifi has shared the Gospel with Amahle countless times.

You Send. They Reach. Your support of our partners is an important part of each of these fun stories of giving and celebrating!

We asked our partners to share some of the ways Jesus’ kingdom was advanced this year. We hope you are encouraged by their answers and the special messages they have for you!

For the past 3 days there have been mass looting, rioting and burning of buildings in the provinces of Gauteng and KwaZulu Natal. …

The team knew to expect dishonesty as they planned the outreach. But they were undeterred.

Here’s how three of our partners have seen Him at work during the Covid pandemic.