Your gift enables our partners to meet physical needs in Jesus’ name, providing them with a powerful opportunity to share the Gospel with those in need.
Seven Areas of Life Training (SALT) Conferences
Your gift equips believers with life-changing Biblical discipleship material by covering the costs of holding a multi-day conference where the material is taught.
Ukraine Relief and Evangelism
Your gift equips ITMI partners to reach those affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine with the Gospel.
Project Joseph
Project Joseph aims to seize new opportunities to share the Gospel created by the Coronavirus pandemic. By meeting physical needs, our partners have been able to deliver the Good News to many who they wouldn’t have access to otherwise, and many have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
South Sudan Relief and Evangelism
Your gift enables our partners to meet physical needs in Jesus’ name, providing them a powerful opportunity to share the Gospel with those in need.
David and Taru Kumar
Reach a closed community of impoverished and marginalized Muslims in India through David and Taru’s outreaches for women and children and training believers to share Jesus.
Lazarus Yezinai
Meet the gargantuan need for the healing power of the Gospel in South Sudan by providing a trainer for church leaders equipping them to lead Biblically, and put this godly believer in a position to administer gifts of mercy for the needy.
Johan and Lesley Leach
Your gift helps Johan and Lesley reach, disciple, and plant churches among the least-reached and unreached Luvale peoples in Zambia and Angola, many of whom are isolated from the outside world.
Stone Hill
Equip South African believers to share Jesus and his hope with impoverished families living in an informal squatters camp called Stone Hill.
Mark Burritt, Financial Officer
Your gift provides ITMI with a financial officer who has a passion to reach the lost for Christ and uses his strong administrative skills to ensure proper handling and delivery of funds to their destinations.