“If I were not in Christ, I would die of hunger…”
Project Joseph beneficiary Elizabeth Monday shares her story and her gratitude in this 3-minute video with ITMI’s Lazarus Yezinai. …
Implementing a Project Joseph outreach is a big investment on the part of our partners. …

Elizabeth’s Story: Three Days Without Food (Video)
Project Joseph beneficiary Elizabeth Monday shares her story and her gratitude in this 3-minute video with ITMI’s Lazarus Yezinai. …

Lives Transformed with Project Joseph
Implementing a Project Joseph outreach is a big investment on the part of our partners. …
See the ministry your support helps make possible in these clips from Stone Hill outreaches!
Mary* has never met her father, and her mother is incarcerated for dealing drugs. …
It was a blustery 50-something-degree day in the Cholistan or desert region of the Reham Yar Khan district in the southern tip of Pakistan. …

Stone Hill Outreaches – Thank You for Your Support! (Video)
See the ministry your support helps make possible in these clips from Stone Hill outreaches!

Hungry for More Than Food
Mary* has never met her father, and her mother is incarcerated for dealing drugs. …

Reaching Flood Victims on a Cold Day in Pakistan
It was a blustery 50-something-degree day in the Cholistan or desert region of the Reham Yar Khan district in the southern tip of Pakistan. …
When the COVID-19 pandemic caused governments to enforce lock downs, many became unable to feed their families almost overnight. Impoverished families who leave their homes each day to earn enough money to feed their family that evening, were instantly hungry.
Project Joseph uses this unique opportunity to share Jesus with the hurting through food distribution outreaches our partners set up. Every outreach includes two components: the gift of food and the Gospel.

Extend the Gospel
Project Joseph outreaches offer our partners the opportunity to share Jesus with those whose paths they might not otherwise cross in the course of their usual ministries.
Feed the Hungry
Through Project Joseph outreaches, the hungry are fed both with physical provision and the spiritual food of hope and truth.
Open Doors
As our partners conduct these outreaches, their regular ministries are being enlarged by gaining favor with authorities and drawing people into their ongoing ministries.
Where Project Joseph Operates
When ITMI's David and Taru Kumar got news of the COVID-19 lock down in their state, they were distraught. Their primary school was forced to close. This meant children who rely on the school for daily meals would be confined to the tiny, makeshift lean-tos where their families lived.
David and Taru knew that quickly, these impoverished, marginalized families would be without anything to eat.
The Lord led Steve to suggest that, like Joseph, they begin stockpiling food and planning an outreach to help these families with food. When supporters heard this, they were eager to help, and Project Joseph was born.
“This Project Joseph food distribution has given us a great opportunity to make disciples.” …
“My life is different,” she said, her dark, wide-spaced eyes reflecting her happiness, despite being an orphan in one of the worst places on earth to be orphaned. …
There were many meaningful interactions during this outreach. Everyone Abid and his team spoke with was interested in hearing more about Jesus. One man confessed…

Project Joseph: A Great Opportunity to Make Disciples
“This Project Joseph food distribution has given us a great opportunity to make disciples.” …

How ITMI Supporters Made a Resounding Impact in the Life of a South Sudanese Orphan
“My life is different,” she said, her dark, wide-spaced eyes reflecting her happiness, despite being an orphan in one of the worst places on earth to be orphaned. …

“Our Lives are Like Darkness.”
There were many meaningful interactions during this outreach. Everyone Abid and his team spoke with was interested in hearing more about Jesus. One man confessed…
ITMI supporters’ gifts are creating these amazing opportunities for our contact in Pakistan, Abid, to reach flood victims with the Good News!
ITMI supporters’ gifts are creating these amazing opportunities for our contact in Pakistan, Abid, to reach flood victims with the Good News!
It means small, exhausted bodies attempt to get a night’s rest on a large mound of dirt. It means having 10 minutes to get out of your house when water breaches nearby river banks…

ITMI Supporters Send Abid to Flood Victims in Pakistan Declaring the Good News (Part 2)
ITMI supporters’ gifts are creating these amazing opportunities for our contact in Pakistan, Abid, to reach flood victims with the Good News!

ITMI Supporters Send Abid to Flood Victims in Pakistan Declaring the Good News
ITMI supporters’ gifts are creating these amazing opportunities for our contact in Pakistan, Abid, to reach flood victims with the Good News!

What Does Historic Flooding in Pakistan Mean?
It means small, exhausted bodies attempt to get a night’s rest on a large mound of dirt. It means having 10 minutes to get out of your house when water breaches nearby river banks…