Hello friends,A unique opportunity is coming for you to see what God is doing all around Poland and you don’t even have to buy a plane ticket! In fact, it will be in the comfort of your own home in the US.
The leader of Gospel Joy, Andrew Górski and his entire family including his wife Ania and his two children – Peter and Jagoda will be in the US from January 17 until March 8! There are three main ideas for 2013 that Andrew and his family would love to share about:
1. A potential trip to Arizona with our gospel choir!
2. New church plants because of our Gospel Joy Workshops.
3. Gospel/hip-hop workshops that will reach our generation better and especially people that would in no other way to get to hear the gospel.
Ania UrbanskaHere are more details on these three ideas:
1. After speaking with Andrew and hearing that he takes his choir to other countries as mission trips such as Romania (2012), Czech Republic (2011), and even Atlanta (2009), I asked why not take it to Arizona? He told me that a lack of contacts prevented him from even thinking about taking his Choir to Arizona, but now that he knows someone directly from there (myself) this could become a reality!
This trip would hugely impact our choir who consists of believers, seekers, and nonbelievers. One of the singers in Gospel Joy who went to Atlanta and still sings in the choir, Anna (Ania) Urbanska, had a major breakthrough in Atlanta and now she is one of the leaders of our new church plant and will even run the entire meeting in a coming week! This trip would also give an opportunity to show exactly what is going on in Poznan and all around Poland through Gospel Joy. Plus there’s no telling how God will move in our churches through such a choir, and especially our young adults. Andrew told me that in Atlanta, an African church had people with their jaws dropping because of our white Gospel choir.
2. Gospel Joy has started its second Bible fellowship! These groups consist of anywhere between 10 and 30 people and include Bible discussion, prayer, and simply doing life together with sharing our experiences and food! Because of the size of these groups, Andrew is considering starting a third group! These groups are truly a miracle in Poland because of their size, content and results of changed lives.
3. Gospel/hip-hop workshops in April. Because of our connections with the most famous pop gospel group in Poland, “TGD” (Equivalent of Kirk Franklin and his choir) we can now consider adding hip-hop to our workshops. One of the members of TGD already sings rap and hip-hop in his concerts with TGD and with his help we can add hip-hop to our workshops. We are also looking into adding “beatbox” as we also have such contacts and this is popular in Poland amongst young adults (Beatbox is the art of producing a rap “beat” just by using one’s mouth, lips, tongue, and voice). All of these additions just to reach out to a group of Polish people that might not otherwise ever have an opportunity to hear the good news!
I write about these three ideas, because I truly 100% believe in Gospel Joy and what Andrew and his family are doing with it. Over the last 10+ years of Gospel Joy, 100’s of people have been saved and followed up with because of this group. Because of this ministry 100’s if not 1000’s of people are reading the Bible. Finally, over the last 10 years an estimated quarter of a million of the Polish people have heard the gospel through our workshops, fellowships, and especially our concerts!!! On top of this, 3 Gospel Joy music CDs in the most popular bookstores in Poland (like “Barnes and Nobles” in the United States) give a countless other amount of people to hear an opportunity to hear the good news.
So, if you want to meet the family God has been using to hugely impact Poland, you have an opportunity to hear their story. Feel their passion. See their vision.
To get a taste of this dynamic ministry, check out the testimony of Andrew’s wife, Anna as well as the testimony of another person who got saved through Gospel Joy, Joanna (along with Anna, Joanna is the most on fire for Jesus, influential female leader in the Gospel Joy ministry).
Andrew and his family would love to meet with you! This encouraging and dynamic couple loves people and loves encouraging – and they are here to pour God’s love into all they meet. ITMI shared a great example of a changed life from Ania and Andrew’s trip last year in ITMI monthly’s July Issue, Knock, Knock! Contact the ITMI office today and reserve a spot for your family, Sunday school class or small group on their itinerary.
Looking forward to how God will use their time in Arizona! Happy New Year!!
In Christ,
Daniel Machlowski