Last month, ITMI's Excellence Christian Academy celebrated its 20th Birthday.
That's 20 years of shaping and molding young lives to understand the world from a Biblical perspective. That's 20 years of reaching families and parents that haven't necessarily heard the Good News. That's 20 years of influence in the community of Kabwe, where ECA is located. That's 20 years of impact on the country of Zambia.
Education in Zambia is a privilege, not a given.
Children who are blessed enough to have an education turns them into adults who are leaders. They become the ones with the income and knowledge to hold influential positions.
Raising and educating children with a Christian worldview provides a chance for those positions to be filled by people raised with a Christian worldview.
Where public schools may teach that science is something to be trusted above all else, these children have seen how science is learning about God's world and therefore learning about God. They've learned what the Bible says about the origin of the human race.
They've learned that "math is the language in which God has written the universe," according to Galileo, and realize that in learning it, they are discovering the mind and orderliness of the Creator.
They've seen how what they learn can be used to help others flourish and build God's kingdom through the school's outreaches in rural villages.
They've learned that "fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" and gained tools to live wisely from their study of the Bible.
Through their interaction with the ECA staff they've seen how believing adults care for others, treat them with respect and live with integrity in a world of corruption.
At weekly chapel gatherings they've seen people who came across the ocean to deliver important messages - messages of salvation and wisdom - to them!
Twenty years ago, ITMI's Eugene Kalunga was homeschooling around 50 children in his home! Eugene saw children all around them who were unable to attend school because their family couldn't afford it. He realized that he could change their futures by teaching them, and doing it from a Biblical worldview.
ITMI caught the vision and raised funds to help Eugene purchase a property where many more could get a quality education from a Christian worldview.
Eugene is still the principal and the driving force behind this incredible ministry.
And together, we did it!
Excellence Christian Academy is still reaching and serving many children in Kabwe with the gift of education.
ECA celebrated their 20th year serving the community with a classic Zambian celebration. The children performed and representatives from the community and government were present and gave speeches.
Enjoy a few photos from the event!
Eugene says,
"Merit does not go to Eugene but it goes to everyone who is praying for the school and the staff, to everyone who is contributing to the school, to everyone who is advising the administration and staff, to everyone who has the heart for children at ECA. Please convey our gratitude and thanks to our partners."
Thanks for investing in the future of Zambia. Thanks for providing education to children who would otherwise have a bleak future.
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In Touch Mission International serves and empowers godly national believers to make disciples.
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