There is a group of bees from the mountains of Bulgaria that are special.
Why are these bees special?
Well they aren't knitting sweaters or singing show tunes.
But they are (partially) funding the travel of a short-term mission team from Poland to Bulgaria.
The team from K5N Church, pastored by ITMI's Dr. Piotr Zaremba, is headed to Kameno, Bulgaria this July. They'll be doing open air evangelistic events and sport activities for kids, concerts for youth and social outreach events for the local church members and their friends.
The team will include some youth from K5N, as well as ITMI's Daniel and Blueberry Machlowski.
Why Kameno?
There is one evangelical church in Kameno. It's led by Pastor Zlatko Gospodinov and his wife Magdalena, whose sister is a member of K5N in Poznan, Poland.
This small body of believers used to organize outreach and community events, and the town's authorities were open and supportive of them, but it was rare for anyone from the town to come. So the church stopped organizing them.
They realized that their efforts were noticed and appreciated when someone asked, "Why did you stop?"
How Will The Polish Team's Events Be Different?
Bulgarians like Polish people. The K5N team is hoping to leverage the novelty and favor of their ethnicity to build the town's trust for the church.
The Polish team has organized some cross-cultural events that the local church can't in hopes of building up the local church and creating inroads into the community that will remain when they leave.
That's where the bees come in.
One thousand pounds of honey was brought from the mountains of Bulgaria to Poland, where K5N sold it to help fund the mission.
The trip isn't fully funded yet. Only about 60% of the cost of the petrol (gas) needed to get there and back is funded.
Would you pray for this team and the church in Kameno, Bulgaria?
If you'd like to help with the remaining cost, you can do that here. Make sure to include "Bulgaria Trip" in the comments.
About the Author
Summer Kelley is a writer and follower of Jesus living in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and three kids. She’s had the honor and privilege of telling ITMI’s stories since 2006. Summer loves reading, the outdoors and Coca-Cola Classic.