This article was originally published in the October 2019 edition of ITMI Monthly.
In the 14th century classic, Inferno, Italian author Dante Alighieri began his epic poem with these words:
“Midway on our life’s journey, I found myself in dark woods, the right road lost.”
These words, which date back 700 years (1320), speak with such relevance to the confusion that marks so many today. Conversely, Jesus promised clarity for those who seek the path He alone provides (Matthew 7:13-14).
How We Offer Jesus’ Clarity With Clear Water
This past month ITMI’s Kent Reisenauer has been in Zambia and South Africa visiting some of our partners and projects, encouraging them to press on. Kent spent quality time with Timothy Keller as Tim handled the transport and driving chores from Lusaka to the far northwestern corner and community of Chavuma, Zambia.
On arrival in Chavuma they delivered food supplies for Johan and Lesley Leach from the nearest grocery store, which is about 6 hours away.
This was a huge blessing for Johan and Lesley as they manage the putting a new roof on their newly constructed mission house and the logistics of getting five wells drilled near the Angola border.
Kent and the team then loaded up into a four-wheel-drive vehicle and transported the vehicle on a barge across the massive Zambezi River so that the former architect and project manager could see first-hand the water well drilling in the extremely remote and equally needy villages.
Children from one of the villages near the Angola border receiving clean, safe water.
Kent reports that the excitement on the faces of the villagers was so gratifying and reaffirming of why we use water wells to give liquid life and to offer Jesus’ clarity and a path out of the dark woods of isolation and Animistic confusion they've wandered in for so long.
Will You Carry on Harriet’s Legacy of Prayer?
Almost 19 years ago Bill Bathman asked to meet with me. He told me that he was wanting to finish his days living, preaching and mentoring in Africa, and ITMI needed a new director.
As a board member of ITMI, I wholeheartedly supported the work that Bill and Harriett had started and managed so expertly for many years. I shared with Bill that as much as I would love to be the director of ITMI, I just couldn’t do it.
You see, I had a good job that was paying the bills and helping me care for my family of five.
Bill very graciously said that he understood my answer and asked if I would pray about it. I agreed to do just that. Then revealed what I would later come to know as “the secret weapon”.
Bill told me that Harriett was also praying about his offer to me. Bill’s exact words were, “…you don’t want to be on the other side of what Harriett is praying about.” The rest is history.
As convincing as one William Bathman could be, and anyone who ever met him knows what I mean, he didn’t even hold a candle to his dear praying wife when it came to moving people to obedience and changing situations for His glory.
Last month, Harriett was granted her deep desire to be reunited with her husband of 65 years. Harriett, thank you for you prayers for ITMI, our projects and me for so, so many years.
I ask now, will you take the baton from Harriett and become one of our deeply needed prayer warriors?
You don’t have to be in Africa or India or Eastern Europe to be a partner with ITMI, you can do it on your knees from wherever God has planted you. Please, please will you become our faithful partner in prayer?
We need you and we need God’s guidance more now than ever.
In His Service,
Steve Evers has advocated for and served the ITMI partners as ITMI Director since 2001. Approximately once a year, Steve visits with ITMI partners in their countries and brings stories back to encourage supporters. Steve enjoys photography and mechanics (both hobbies that have greatly benefited ITMI partners!) Prior to becoming ITMI’s Director, Steve served on […]
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