In 2018, Billy Graham’s Decision Magazine reprinted one of Billy’s articles titled, “Confusing Evil with Good.”
He listed the many ways we as humans rationalize, re-classify, allow our consciences to be numbed, and say, “...what is in it for me?” when facing moral decisions.
Even though many of us have been locked-down, working from home, quarantined and all around isolated, we still can not miss those who are “confusing evil with good” on the TV, news, the political stage, in movies, even in some churches and our families.
Billy wrote: “Man without God is a contradiction, a paradox, a monstrosity. He sees evil as good and good as evil. That is why some people love evil and hate that which is good—they are still in their sins.
For them, life’s values are confused. Paul found the cure for his violent, destructive disposition, not at the feet of Gamaliel or in the culture of Greece, but on the road to Damascus when he met Jesus Christ.
Later he wrote: ‘For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death’ (Romans 8:2). The modern conscience has been twisted and distorted so badly that it is difficult [for many] to tell what is genuine and what is false.”
Just this last week, a newly selected politician for one of our country’s highest offices, when questioned about her previous lambasting of her new political partner with all sorts of harsh, accusatory and character questioning, justified it by saying, “…oh, that is just politics” as if to say “it is ok to lie or say anything you need to say with in the arena of politics.” Rationalization. Re-classifying. Allowing our conscience to be numbed.
This spiritual blindness is rampant in other countries as well.
This week, Lazarus Yezinai told me that South Sudan is in an extremely desperate state. Water and weather have destroyed crops in the north, hordes of starving people are migrating south and camping along a river in the capital city, Juba, all without any real hope of any help.
An August story from news outlet, Aljazeera, titled, “Running on Empty” quotes Brian Adeba, the deputy director of policy at the United States-based watchdog, The Sentry. Brian reported that, “…officials [are] using the central bank as their personal ATM…”
He says this has combined with the previous tribal conflict that “killed an estimated 400,000 people” and has “created Africa’s biggest refugee crisis since the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.” Rationalization. Re-classification. Allowing our conscience to be numbed.
Billy reminds us, “Life’s values can be reversed. They can be changed until you call good good and evil evil. And your life can have a new dimension and a new power.”
This is what Lazarus is doing with our Project Joseph feeding program in his decimated country.
Lazarus has reported that the “Jerry Can” project we reported on last month has been a great success in sharing God’s love and truth to those that deeply appreciate the gift of a plastic 5 gallon water container and a large bar of soap, something so simple to us, yet so valuable to those that have nothing.

Grateful Recipients of Handwashing Station Jerry Cans and Soap

David and Taru Kumar have also reported that people have responded to the Project Joseph feeding help that they have extended to many Muslims, Hindus, and other lost people by saying, “…you are the only ones doing this [feeding us].”
These hungry and needy people are having their hope renewed, their stomachs filled, and their eyes and ears opened to the real truth and light.
God has given us a never-before-seen opportunity to show the world the difference between good and evil, light and darkness, hope and hopelessness.
The Lord God is using food to open the eyes, the ears, and the hearts of those who have known only evil and very little good. Together, we can seize this chance to demonstrate and declare the goodness of God for those that are afraid, hungry and without Christ.
In His Service,
PS. We’re beyond grateful for those of you who have already joined God’s people around the world and gotten involved with spreading the Gospel through Project Joseph. Your contributions are making a huge difference!
Steve Evers has advocated for and served the ITMI partners as ITMI Director since 2001. Approximately once a year, Steve visits with ITMI partners in their countries and brings stories back to encourage supporters. Steve enjoys photography and mechanics (both hobbies that have greatly benefited ITMI partners!) Prior to becoming ITMI’s Director, Steve served on […]
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