We know you probably missed a few stories from ITMI during that busy and unusual year we just put behind us, so we're sharing the top 10 most-visited posts from 2020 so you can catch up on what your fellow ITMI supporters thought were the most interesting stories this year!
#1 : February 7, 2020
Their Needs Were Met. Now They’re Reaching the Hurting in a War Zone.
When many of you began supporting the Bans in their important contribution to Romanian society years ago, you probably wouldn’t have guessed what big things the Lord would do with your sincere sacrifices, placed in His hands.
#2: July 8, 2020
How Little Becomes Plenty
Conventional wisdom questions how much can we really accomplish with little? As mere humans, we tend to believe that a lot more can be achieved if we have large financial resources, talented manpower, and innovative ideas. But these things don’t really matter to God.
By Olga, a believer living in Stone Hill, South Africa.
#3: February 26, 2020
Newsbites: Jim la Rose’s Recovery, Brooke Goes to Thailand and the Latest on the Leach’s Rebuild Project
Jim la Rose’s Recovery, Brooke Goes to Thailand, Piotr and Leszek Team Up for an Important Opportunity and the Latest on the Leach’s Rebuild Project. Read the latest here!
#4: September 1, 2020
Provide a Loving, Christian Home for Romanian Orphans!
“The only happy time we had at the orphanage was when we slept,” remembers Visinel Balan, now an adult. Visinel grew up in one of the many state-run orphan institutions during Nicholas Ceausescu’s dictatorship in Romania. …
#5: May 1, 2020
Opportunities to Share Jesus are Pouring in from Around the World!
These are not families who have pantries full of supplies from Costco. These are people who leave their homes each morning in hopes that they will earn a few cents to purchase food for that day. Not being able to leave means not being able to eat.
#6: January 3, 2020
Dear Team: The Legacy of Margaret Williams
“It shouldn’t hurt this bad,” read the text message from India. The text came almost three weeks after Mark Burritt and I accompanied ITMI’s David and Taru Kumar to the funeral of Taru’s “mother.” Taru shared that she is deeply hurting and struggling to sleep. Taru’s “mom” came to rural India as a 30+ year old Australian missionary. She spent the last 60+ years loving on and raising up homeless, orphaned Indian girls. Margaret Williams was 94 years old when she was called to her real home.
#7: February 21, 2020
On the Spot in Zambia featuring Kent Reisenauer (Podcast Episode)
In this episode, Kent Reisenauer takes us on a visit to our partners in Zambia and South Africa…and what happened when Eugene Kalunga put him on the spot!
#8: February 24, 2020
5 Years Later: The Difference Discipleship Makes
Adanna (name changed for privacy) stared at her four-year-old grandson. His eyes were turned up at her earnestly. He had just uttered the words that would mark a critical turning point in her life.
#9: March 13, 2020
Two Stone Hill Women Met Jesus. What They’re Doing Now is Inspiring.
When Olga and Lwazikazi got saved, they would never have guessed what they’d voluntarily do to Lwazikazi’s home. It was a cold August evening in Stone Hill, South Africa. …
#10: August 7, 2020
The Flavor of Fear: How to Sleep When You’re Afraid
Veronica curled her body tighter into her sister Grace’s back, soaking up what little warmth she could in the bitterly cold night. Every twig that cracked in the dark forest, each sigh and creak of the branches overhead brought her to stark alert, listening… waiting…
In Touch Mission International serves and empowers godly national believers to make disciples.
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