Vehicle ownership is unreachable, so these dedicated missionary teachers must ride their bicycles 5 miles each way to work, rain or shine until the school can get housing built for them onsite.
Spring of Love Christian School isn’t your ordinary school. The village it is located in is so remote, there wasn’t running water before the school was constructed.
The families of this area live in huts, and there are no other services to speak of. Before Spring of Love school opened, children who were old enough would walk miles to attend school. It was too far and too dangerous for children younger than that to get there.
But what concerned ITMI’s Eugene Kalunga the most about the needs in this group of villages was that the children weren’t being raised with any Biblical input.
Eugene and his team began by planting a church, but they wanted to extend the influence of God’s Word through a Christian school.
No one in the village was qualified to teach, so when the school opened, they had to find teachers willing to move to this remote place from Kabwe.
The Lord did provide for this unique need. Kizito Chishimba, Conrad Lucheta, and Bornface Lumbwe have truly caught the vision of this school and have moved to the village as missionary teachers. But the only suitable housing for them is located five miles away.
Vehicle ownership is unreachable, so these dedicated missionary teachers must ride their bicycles 5 miles each way to work, rain or shine, until the school can get housing built for them onsite.
Once they can move into onsite housing, the teachers are eager to become even more involved with the lives of the villagers. They have plans for after school outreaches and programs that will improve the lives of the people in the village as well as reinforcing the Biblical principles that are being taught during the regular school day.
They will be able to develop better relationships with the families of the village, extending even greater opportunities to plant the Gospel in this village.
Two Arizona churches have already made significant contributions to this project. A big thanks to Community of Faith at Glencroft, who adopted this as a special project and its mostly retired members sacrificially raised enough to cover the windows and doors for the onsite teacher’s housing!
North Village Baptist Church of Phoenix holds an annual golf tournament to raise funds for missions. The proceeds of the tournament will go toward the cost of the onsite teacher’s housing building roof.
There’s still room to join these two churches in bringing the Gospel to the remote areas of Zambia. The next big step is building the walls. For this, Spring of Love needs $4400 USD for the materials and labor related to the blocks that will form the walls.
Steve Evers has advocated for and served the ITMI partners as ITMI Director since 2001. Approximately once a year, Steve visits with ITMI partners in their countries and brings stories back to encourage supporters. Steve enjoys photography and mechanics (both hobbies that have greatly benefited ITMI partners!) Prior to becoming ITMI’s Director, Steve served on […]
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