Johan has fielded many requests from pastors and leaders across Zambia...
John Fwelu is one of the Luvale evangelists ITMI’s Johan Leach helps equip and works alongside to share the Gospel on the Luvale floodplain in the northwest corner of Zambia and into Angola. John reports:
Traveling to the most remote areas with the mission of preaching the Word of God to thirsty souls is always a joy and something to look forward to. I went for the Gospel outreach to a remote village on the west bank [of the Zambezi River] called Chambi.
Here, a small group of eager women and men were already gathered and ready to listen to the Word of God. I preached the Gospel using the Heart of Man Chart. This was something that really helped them understand sin and salvation better.
Two people, a male and a female, came to accept the Lord as their personal Lord and Savior that day.
One part of Johan’s ministry is to oversee the training of local leaders he calls “Hub Leaders” who take shepherding responsibility for the churches within a day’s walk of their residence.
Hub Leaders identify disciples within the churches planted in their area who will in turn lead and plant another 3 churches within a day’s walk.
The training these leaders receive is extensive. Hub Leaders come to Chavuma, Zambia, the location of Johan’s ministry base, for training every 6 months. After training, they return to the field to implement what they’ve learned and teach someone else.
This process goes on for about three and a half years and results in a certificate from Harvest Bible School.
One Hub Leader, Yona Chilila, baptized 17 from the village of Lingundu. In his report about his time in the village, he wrote,
We thank God for bringing souls to Himself. We are encouraged to see that the believers have the interest of reading and sharing God's Word. To God be the glory.
Johan shared that in the last two years, the Hub Leader training has yielded 109 church plants on the plains.
Johan has fielded many requests from pastors and leaders across Zambia who want to be part of what God is doing through Johan’s equipping ministry in the northwest corner of Zambia.
He is preparing for a discipleship and church planting training event in July which will “kickoff” three and a half years of seminary studies and practical training for those who participate. The most recent count for leaders who plan to participate is 351.
Praise the Lord for this fruit of His work through you as supporters and Johan and his team as laborers in the field.
The area of Zambia where Johan ministers is very remote, so travel logistics are a big part of anything the Leachs do.
Having a vehicle that can handle the extremely rough terrain is essential, and ministry is limited when that vehicle isn’t operational. Right now, Johan’s vehicle is in “limp mode” and in urgent need of about $2730 for repair and transport to a city with a repair shop.
This is the cost of ministering to these hard-to-reach people in such a remote and rugged area.
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