You Send. They Reach. Your support of our partners is an important part of each of these fun stories of giving and celebrating!
Merry Christmas from Your ITMI Partners!
We asked our partners to share some of the ways Jesus’ kingdom was advanced this year. We hope you are encouraged by their answers and the special messages they have for you!
The Impact of Your Christmas Catalog Giving
At the end of 2020, your Christmas giving supplied our partners with these tools to use in sharing the Gospel with the hurting and needy! ITMI supporters provided…
Merry Christmas From Your ITMI Partners
We asked our partners to share some of the ways Jesus’ kingdom was advanced this year. We hope you are encouraged by their answers and the special messages they have for you!
How God Intervened to Avert Disaster
The day of the Project Christmas Blessing event dawned with dark clouds hanging low over the grassy hills of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, but the event could not be rescheduled. It was today or never, so…
Life Among the Zulu featuring Kelly and Cherise Smith
In this episode, Kelly and Cherise Smith are sharing what it’s like living among the Zulu tribe in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. They’re sharing some remarkable things Zulu women and girls do as part of their daily lives, the extents people are going to so they can attend Kelly and Cherise’s monthly “Bible Verse Shop” outreach and a few only-in-africa stories of snake bites, late night labors and extreme runs to the hospital!
What Was Special About the 9th Annual Project Christmas Blessing
This year marks the ninth year of hosting Project Christmas Blessing (PCB). We hosted our Olwasini Junior Primary PCB last Thursday, and we are bubbling over with joy.
A Taste of the Smith’s Life and Ministry in South Africa (Video)
Now you can see for yourself some of the ways you’ve impacted Zulu Natal, South Africa, through your support of the Smith family and their ministry!
Three More Stories of Your Impact in Ivory Coast, South Africa and Zambia
Many ITMI partners had outreaches to their community planned for Christmas. Many of you partnered with them to make these outreaches happen. We’re so thankful for all God’s done through our partners and supporters. But there’s more!
What Living Intentionally Means for an International in Poland this Season (Video)
Enjoy this short (under 2 minute) video from PIC’s Facebook Page of Sowmya as she shares how she brought her passion and helping others together to bless others this Christmas!