We’ve often had parents of young children ask our advice or attend the Parenting Seminar we lead wanting to have the “key” to raising godly children, and we’ve emphasized the importance of…
Archives for July 2015
What’s the Key to Doing the Impossible?
The story of feeding the five thousand, as related by Mark, always makes me think. Try for yourself. Get to grips with Mark 6:35-44.Disciples just returned from their fascinating…
FREE August 2015 Desktop Calendar!
We couldn’t do what we do without you, our supporters. This is just one small way we can say, “Thank you!” Now, you can enjoy the photography of Steve Evers on your computer everyday! Each month, we’ll feature one beautiful photo from Steve with a convenient calendar of that month for you to set as your desktop photo.
5 Reasons to Support Andrew and Anna Gorski
The Gorski’s recently added a third child to their family! Now they are in need of some support. Here’s 5 reasons to support the Gorski family.
“We give you 30 days. You must choose between your Christ and your career.” – Remembering Dr. Nick Gheorghita
“We give you 30 days. You must choose between your Christ and your career.” His response: “I don’t need 30 days, or 30 hours or 30 seconds. …”
A Good Reason to Brave the African Roads Despite Fuel Shortages and Rain
One of our bigger outreaches recently was a trip across the country to the Eastern Province. I am limited in my ability to travel “off road” at the moment because our field vehicle is no longer off-road-worthy. However, this was a great opportunity that I could reach by (mostly, sort of) paved road. But I had many concerns.
Leszek and Ania Wakula Serving Faithfully in Poland
Leszek Wakula’s church is considered quite large at about 150 members. This Baptist church has a long history of being faithful during the communist years, even when the communist came and confiscated their whole multi-story church buildings without any compensation.
60 Give Their Lives to Jesus at Gospel Music Workshop in Northern Poland!
After experiencing this high energy weekend full of relationship building, camaraderie and explanation of how Jesus wants a relationship with us, 60 of the participants decided to respond and enter into a relationship with Jesus! But what happens when…
5 Unexpected Things Happened Under a Blue Tarp
“Salvation comes primarily through works, not by grace through faith.”
“God requires animal sacrifices to atone for sin.”
“The God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are two different Gods.”
“God’s main mission is for His people to prosper, and you can purchase this benefit through financial contributions to organizations bearing “Christian” in the name, particularly mine.”
These are the heresies that African pastors claiming to represent Jesus often proclaim. To make things worse…