Andrew and Anna Gorski are ITMI partners in Poland. Andrew is the Director of the dynamic Gospel Joy Workshops and Evangelism ministry, reaching thousands of Poles with a message they've never heard:
"Jesus wants a relationship with you!"
This message comes as a shock to many, even though they're no strangers to church. Anna herself was saved through Gospel Joy's ministry years ago, and now enthusiastically serves alongside Andrew.
The Gorski's recently added a third child to their family!
Baby Maria was born at the end of 2014.
Now they are need of some support.
Here's 5 good reasons to support this couple and their one-of-a-kind ministry.
1. Andrew and Anna are caring servant leaders that are well-organized. People follow them.
Everywhere they go, Andrew and Anna bless those around them. Its a joy for people to serve beside and follow them.
They are a blessing everywhere they go.
They are not the kind of leaders who sit back and give orders. You can find them doing the thankless jobs, too. Their passion for seeing people come to Christ drives them, not position, power or anything else.
Anna serving behind the scenes with a big smile.
2. Andrew and Anna are visionary and action-oriented.
Sometimes, its tough to find both in a leader. Sometimes a leader will dream and dream about doing big things, but never put a plan together and take action. Then, on the other hand, other leaders struggle to provide any vision or inspiration of where they are going.
Andrew and Anna have proven they can do both.
They are tapped in to the needs around them. They recognize a need, make a plan and then take action.
Last year, they realized the church's numbers were skewed. For every one man saved, five women were being saved. This was creating a weakness in the church that needed to be addressed.
So they planned and launched Men in Action, a high-energy outreach targeting men. Men in Action was planned and built on the success of Gospel Joy.
Worship at a men's conference.
3. Andrew and Anna's ministry is incredibly effective.
Gospel Joy Workshops and Evangelism is incredibly effective. It not only reaches Poles who would never otherwise be open to hear that they could have a relationship with Jesus, but it also provides effective follow-up.
Gospel Joy is sharing testimony after testimony of lives changed by the realization that Jesus wants a personal relationship with them, and that they can be a part of God's people.
That means Gospel Joy's Word Zones are producing believers who are ready to impact their communities.
But Andrew and Anna themselves are effective in ministry, working to disciple others in life-on-life style.
New believers learn more about having a relationship with Jesus at a Word Zone meeting.
4. God has called Anna and Andrew to lead Gospel Joy Workshops and Evangelism.
Enough said, really, because even if we couldn't share stories upon stories of salvations, growth and effective ministry, when God calls, you answer.
5. Andrew and Anna need to provide for their family.
Paul told Timothy, "Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." (1 Tim. 5:8)
If they are to live faithfully, they need to provide for their own family. Andrew and Anna have lots of new believers looking at them to see a living example of what living in a relationship with Jesus means.
It's important for the health of the church as a whole that Andrew and Anna conduct their family in such a way that new believers can see that provision for your family's needs is one part of living faithfully.
Andrew and Anna's family life and parenting is being watched by many new believers.
5. Gospel Joy is on the verge of taking Poland by storm.
The newest vision God's given Andrew and Anna is to launch 17 Word Zones in cities all over Poland in the next 3 years.
This is a huge step of faith, "doomed to fail unless God is in it," as Andrew said.
But if Gospel Joy can successfully launch even half that many Word Zones, the impact could be incredible! The Gospel Music Workshops are so effective as Evangelism tools, and the Word Zones are so effective as growth incubators for baby Christians, that mirroring the success of these two models just makes sense.
But Gospel Joy needs a steady and experienced hand to guide it through a project like this. It doesn't need turn-overs in leadership during this time.
It also doesn't need a leader who hasn't eaten breakfast or is exhausted from working a second job.
We need to make sure the Gorskis are taken care of, so they can take care of Gospel Joy and the many that will be reached through its endeavors.
If you'd like to be a part of starting 17 new churches in Poland by supporting the Gorski family, you can do that here.
Thanks for your partnership!
Summer Kelley is a writer living in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and three kids. She’s had the honor and privilege of telling ITMI’s stories since 2006. She’s a homeschooling mom and a T-shirt and jeans aficionado who likes all things simple. When she’s not writing or homeschooling, you can find her honing her skills as what some might call a "suburban survivalist" as she learns to thrive in the suburbs with 3 kids. As a productivity and organizing enthusiast, she may or may not spend hours attempting to use technology to "save time.” Summer loves reading, the outdoors and Coca-Cola Classic from the fountain.