South Sudan
When ITMI's Lazarus Yezinai crossed paths with a gang that roamed the Kugi residential area in Juba, South Sudan, he learned many of their sad stories.
Some had voluntarily left their parents' home because of unbearable trauma-driven behavior. Some were beaten if they didn't somehow come home with food for their parents to eat, while they lay drunk all day.
Others were left by parents or orphaned, then plundered by older members of gangs who raided their home and took whatever "valuables" may have been there.
Still others struggle with guilt from past deeds of violence, committed in desperation or in response to injured pride. Some turned to substances to cope.
These youth, ages 10-38, roam the area, desperate enough to steal and hardened enough that they don't care what they have to do to another person. Their victims are often desperate and hurting themselves.
They have endured countless painful injustices and trauma themselves, and the community is scared of them and unwilling to help or offer kindness.
There is no government help in this area, because the government views the area as a "rebel" area, since it was home to a resistance leader at one time.
These are youth who desperately need the transformation that walking with Jesus yields.
By divine design, ITMI's Lazarus Yezinai was given the opportunity to build relationships with several of the gang members. They were so touched that someone, anyone, noticed them and their plight.
Lazarus has taught several Gospel-based seminars for the gangs, and has even been involved in peace negotiations between opposing gangs in the area. Several have been part of Handwashing Kit outreaches.
Now Lazarus would like to set up sports outreach among them. A sports ministry will provide regular contact and help Lazarus disciple these young men on an extended basis.
Sports Outreach: A Proven Strategy
ITMI's Paul and Molly in India have seen many at-risk youth saved, transformed and discipled through their sports outreach to young men in India. Some of them are leaders in the program today!
Unbelieving parents even noted the changes in their sons' behavior and maturity.
We'd like to see members of the gang Lazarus has reached out to have this same opportunity to hear the Good News and be discipled to live for Jesus.
Lazarus' Plan
Lazarus would like to start a soccer league that would include 6 teams of 18.
The participants will have Bible study and prayer time as well as play soccer games and practice. Lazarus or Reverend Gismallah, who helps Lazarus with many of his outreaches, will lead the Bible study and prayer times.
To pull this off, Lazarus will need the help of some people who have a heart to intervene in the lives of these hurting youth for the glory of God to provide for him to obtain some basic equipment needed for a soccer league.
Getting to participate on a soccer team would mean an awful lot to these youth who have lived through so much.
The opportunity to put their lives in line with the Lord, to learn how to have a relationship with Him - these would mean everything to them, though they may not know it yet.
But that's not all.
You get the opportunity to be instrumental in reaching and sharing the Gospel with these hurting youth. To show them there is a better way. That as bearers of God's Image, they have a Creator who wants to be their Father, and to show them how a good Father treats His children.
You get the opportunity to help extend to these gang members the transformation that the Lord offers His followers through His Spirit.
Imagine how that transformation might affect others around them who are also hurting!
Would you consider helping Lazarus reach South Sudanese gangs with a gift that provides the equipment for this outreach?

In Touch Mission International serves and empowers godly national believers to make disciples.
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