ITMI’s Lazarus Yezinai has found that sports are an effective way to reach at-risk youth who have joined gangs in Juba, South Sudan. He operates six soccer clubs or teams in six different areas of the city…
Sin Hurts and Jesus Cares: Examples from Around the World
Mary was orphaned when she was 10…
Her siblings could go to school, but because of a disability, she could not. Now in her twenties, she recently fell and broke her arm. …
Gang Members and Moms Study the Bible Together
The sports outreach to South Sudanese gang members operated by ITMI’s Lazarus Yezinai continues to yield exciting fruit. …
Reaching Gang Members with the Gospel in South Sudan
It was the morning of April 15, when residents of Khartoum, Sudan awoke to the pandemonium that would eventually kill thousands and displace over 2 million. …
Reach Gang Members with Good News Through Partnership with ITMI
When ITMI’s Lazarus Yezinai crossed paths with a gang that roamed the Kugi residential area in Juba, South Sudan, he learned many of their sad stories.Some had voluntarily left their parents’ home because of…
3 Haunting Stories You Can Help Change
Fear rose inside his chest as Bilal ducked under the door of his home – a mud hut where his family was squatting. At night, he still woke in a fearful sweat, remembering what happened the last time he and his brother had come home empty-handed.
What Everyone Ought to Know About Fifi Smith
Sunlight falling from the wide, blue sky above the hills of Zulu Natal, South Africa glinted from the water as it tumbled from the small spigot into the black plastic 5-gallon bucket. The community water source is atop one of the many steep hills that envelope this Zulu settlement. From the high vantage point, the surrounding bubbly terrain stretches to the horizon. Traversing the hills is tough, even for the young.But for the elderly to do it while carrying full buckets of water is…
How God Opened a Door that Was Once Firmly Shut
Twelve years ago, the city of Gniezno, Poland wanted ITMI’s Bread of Life and the Gniezno Church to open a soup kitchen and transition home for men. But, instead of helping Bread of Life and the church pay for it, they…
How 21 Kids Surprised Their Summer Camp Counselors
Last month, a team from Sun Valley Community Church partnered with Bread of Life to put on a week-long summer camp for 21 kids from David’s Club.
Moving and Inspiring Scenes from Stone Hill, South Africa (Video)
ITMI partner, Charl van Wyk explains the inspiring and dynamic ministry in Stone Hill, South Africa. Enjoy! You can partner with this group of believers and make a big impact in Stone Hill today! Thanks for your support!